Curved mirrors (convex or aspheric) en-
large the field of vision and can make
objects in the mirror seem smaller and
further away than they actually are.
Using curved mirrors to estimate the
distance from other vehicles behind you
when changing lanes can provide inac-
curate results and can lead to accidents
and severe injuries.
Whenever possible, use the interior mir-
ror to check the exact distance between
your vehicle and following traffic or oth-
er objects.
Ensure that you have a good view to the
rear of the vehicle.
Automatic anti-dazzle mirrors contain an
electrolyte fluid which could leak if the mir-
ror is broken.
The leaking electrolyte fluid can cause
irritation to the skin, eyes and respirato-
ry organs, especially in people who suf-
fer from asthma or similar illnesses. Im-
mediately ensure that there is a suffi-
cient supply of fresh air and get out of
the vehicle. If this is not possible, open
all of the windows and doors.
If the electrolyte fluid gets into the eyes
or onto the skin, immediately wash the
area with plenty of water for at least
15 minutes and consult a doctor.
If the electrolyte fluid gets onto shoes or
clothing, wash immediately with plenty
of water for at least 15 minutes. Clean
shoes and clothes thoroughly before
wearing them again.
If the electrolyte fluid is swallowed, im-
mediately rinse the mouth with plenty
of water for at least 15 minutes. Do not
induce vomiting unless instructed to do
so by a doctor. Seek medical assistance
If the glass of an automatic anti-dazzle mirror
is broken, electrolyte fluid can leak from the
mirror. This fluid attacks plastic surfaces. Re-
move the fluid as soon as possible, e.g. using
a wet sponge.
Interior mirror
Fig. 94 On the windscreen: automatic anti-daz-
zle interior mirror.
Automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror
When the ignition is switched on, the sensors
measure the incident light from the rear
and from the front
The interior mirror dims
pending on the values measured.
If the incident light on the sensors is hin-
dered or interrupted, e.g. by a sun blind or
other hanging objects, the automatic anti-
dazzle interior mirror will not function or will
not function correctly. Mobile navigation de-
vices attached to the windscreen or near the
interior automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror
can also influence the sensors → .