The onboard supply control unit J519
The new onboard supply control unit J519 in the T5 2010 has had various functions added to it. In contrast to the
onboard supply control unit in the previous model, it now also handles the functions of the convenience system
central control unit J393.
The onboard supply control unit J519 is connected to the onboard supply system via two 73-pin connectors.
Depending on the variant of the onboard supply control unit J519 (which varies in accordance with the vehicle
equipment), it takes over the control of a wide variety of bulbs by means of integrated semiconductor switches.
The particular bulb function is switched via one pin each in this case (e.g. all the turn signals on one side).
Bulb monitoring has been implemented for the bulbs switched by the onboard supply control unit.
Onboard supply control
unit J519
New onboard supply control unit J519
Convenience system
central control unit J393
Depending on the control unit variant, the J519 controls at least the following external lighting functions
and monitors them:
Turn signal
Side light/tail light
Brake light
There are also bulbs that are switched via relays, e.g. main beam and headlight flash.
The aerial for radio remote control is integrated in the new onboard supply control unit. It is not configured as a
wire aerial but rather as a printed circuit board aerial.
previous model
model year 2010