Checking toothed rod for scoring
If corroded areas or deep scratches are
noticeable on the toothed rod, the toothed rod
must be replaced
An evaluation of whether the toothed rod was
damaged by force, e.g. by an accident, is not possible
with this visual inspection
After sanding, lubricate toothed rod lightly
If the old toothed rod is used again, check the sealing
ring for scoring (visual inspection). If there is scoring
that can be seen or felt, the sealing ring and the O-
ring under it must be replaced.
- Sand toothed rod with sand paper in radial
direction (this is only possible with slight scoring)
- Check chamfer on the front sides of the toothed
rod for damage, if necessary remove with fine
grinding stone and/or sandpaper
1 - Toothed rod
2 - Sand paper (grain 350-600)
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