Instead of plastic sealing plugs a plug consisting of
Part No.113 301 229 A and banjo bolt, Part No. N
904 674 01 can be used. But when using these,
several 16 mm diameter sealing rings must be used
so that the holes in the banjo bolt are sealed.
- Support engine/transmission assembly with 10-
222 A and 10-222 A/1 (support VR6 engine with
10-222A and 10-222A/3).
- Remove boot from seat on steering gear.
- Remove subframe bolts.
- Lower engine/transmission assembly; this will pull
the two halves of the universal joint apart.
- Disconnect hoses from steering gear and seal with
plastic bag and adhesive tape.
- Seal power steering gear threaded holes with
plastic sealing plugs.
- Remove steering gear securing nuts (bolts remain
in subframe).
- Remove steering gear rearward.
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