The curtains cover all w indow s in the Cam pm obile, even the
w indshield, to give you com plete privacy. The passenger com
partm ent curtains are m ounted on built-in curtain rods. When
closed, the curtain panels can be snap-fastened to each other,
and an elastic band holds the bottom hem flush against the
ve h icle ’s side walls. The curtain cornice above the sink cabinet
can be used to store small items.
The curtain for the w indshield and front door w indows can be
installed with the snap fasteners provided.
Safe driving requires that you have an unobstructed view of
the road at all times. Rem em ber to reposition the curtains
so that you have a clear view all around you before taking
Insect screens
To provide maximum flow-through ventilation for com fortable
sleeping at night, insect screens are installed on the sliding side
windows. The screens can be rem oved for cleaning.
The hatchback screen can best be installed with the hatchback
open. Simply press the snap-fasteners into the locations pro
vided. The hatchback can be closed with the screen installed.
Always keep the hatchback closed while driving to prevent
exhaust gas from being drawn into the vehicle. - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW Westfalia T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans