Interior light (12 Volts)
The light housing is located above the sink cabinet. To turn the
light on or off, depress the sw itch in the center of the housing.
The cornice above the light housing can be used to store small
The 16-Amp in-line fuse under the d rive r’s seat (your O w ner’s
Manual explains how to move the seat) protects the control light
panel in the sink cabinet against overload.
This fuse also
provides additional overload protection for the water pum p.
To replace the fuse, grasp both ends of the holder “ D” , press
together slightly and twist counterclockw ise. Replace fuse. To
close the holder, put both ends together, press slightly and twist
When a fuse is blown, it is not sufficient to merely replace it.
The cause of the short circuit or overload must be found
and corrected first. On no account should a fuse be patched
up with tin foil or wire as this may cause serious dam age
elsewhere in the electrical circuit. Make it a habit to always
carry a few spare fuses in your Campmobile.
www.WestfaliaT3.info - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW Westfalia T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans