With the transmitter turned on and the LiPo flight battery connected to the
ESC ( and installed in the battery compartment) it’s now possible to conn-
ect the pushrods to the rudder and elevator control surfaces and to ‘center’
the surfaces accordingly.
Firstly, be sure to center the elevator and rudder ( aileron ) trim levers. Press
the trim button till it has a short and big drop sound, ( a long and big
drop sound means you reach the end of the trim in one side).
With the trim levers centered, carefully spread open each ‘clevis’ ( the white
color plastic part installed on the threaded end of the metal pushrod ) so you
can insert the pin in the OUTERMOST hole on each control horn. It may be
helpful to insert a flat blade screwdriver (not included) into the clevis then
carefully ‘twist’ it until it disengages the pin from the hole in the clevis. Also,
it is not necessary to ‘snap’ the clevis back together until the centering adj-
ustments are complete.
After connecting the clevises to the control horns view the vertical tail and rud-
der from directly above. The rudder should be ‘ in line ’ with the vertical tail
when it’s properly ‘centered’. However, if the rudder is angled off to the right or
left you can adjust the length/position of the pushrod/clevis so the surface
is centered ‘mechanically’ while the trim lever on the transmitter is centered.
Centering the Control Surfaces
Rudder NOT
properly centered
Rudder properly