Vokèra Ltd.
Floor, Catherine House, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 7RP
Email: [email protected] Web: www.vokera.co.uk
Sales, Technical Advice, General Enquiries - Tel: 0870 333 0520 Fax: 01442 281403
After Sales Service - Tel: 0870 333 0220
Vokèra Ireland
West Court, Callan, Co Kilkenny
Tel: 05677 55057 Fax: 05677 55060
Vokèra Ltd. reserve the right to change the specifications without prior notice. Consumers’ statutory rights are not affected.
A Riello Group Company
energizing home heating
supports Benchmark
Cod. 10027954 - 09/06 - Ed. 2