Viz 2110 I/O Module Operating Instructions
Chapter 1
This chapter explains how to connect power, monitors and audio-visual devices to
your Viz 2110 Input/Output Module. After completing this short section, you’ll be all
set to begin using your Viz 2110 IO.
Thank you for purchasing this Vizrt product. As a company, Vizrt is extremely proud of its record of
innovation and commitments to excellence in design, manufacture, and superb product support. We are
determined to deliver the most complete, reliable and efficient integrated systems available for live
production and web streaming, with capabilities suited to almost any broadcast need.
As well, support of NewTek’s innovative NDI
(Network Device Interface) protocol places your new system
squarely in the forefront of IP technology solutions for the video broadcast and production industries.
Commitments and requirements can change from production to production. A powerful, versatile platform
for multi-source production and multi-screen delivery workflows, the Viz 2110 I/O Module quickly pivots to
accommodate additional connections.
Viz 2110 IO IP’s turnkey installation and operation
lets you assemble a network of modules to
configure multi-system and multi-site workflows
with a minimum of fuss.
Your Viz 2110 I/O IP Module provides a highly
efficient interoperability link between production
locations and systems on your network and is
readily adaptable to your needs.
Translate as many as four a/v streams (up to
1080p at 59.94) from SMPTE 2110 input to
NDI output, and four more from NDI (or other
supported source) to SMPTE 2110 output.
Integrate with compatible systems and devices across your network for switching, streaming, display, and
delivery. You can stack modules in a single rack, or station them in multiple locations as required to meet
the demands of your production environment.