The flowhead body (7) does not require disinfection, but may be
cleaned/disinfected with the rest of the flowhead for convenience.
5. Rinse all parts in clean water.
6. Disinfect by immersion in sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC)
solution at 1,000 ppm concentration of free chlorine for 15 minutes.
Prepare disinfectant solution as directed in the manufacturer’s
7. Rinse with very hot water to aid later drying.
8. Leave to dry completely before reassembling. Drying the fleisch
element components may require placing them in a warm place
overnight. A drying cabinet is ideal.
Always follow the safety guidelines given by the manufacturer of
cleaning and disinfectant chemicals.
Reassembling the Fleisch Flowhead
Examine the fleisch element to ensure that no liquid or particles
remain in the holes, grooves or pressure tappings.
Check the 'O' rings for damage and ensure that they are correctly
positioned within the grooves.
Apply a very small amount of silicone grease to ‘O’ Rings and
inside the surfaces of the flowhead body. Wipe off any visible
amounts of grease. Ensure that the tiny annular holes on the
outside of the fleisch element are not blocked.
When re-assembling the flowhead, ensure that the blue pressure
tapping is nearest to the largest diameter of the fleisch element.
Ensure that the flowhead body is pushed fully home and rotate it
so that the pressure ports are approximately 180° opposite the
end of the fleisch element coil.
Fit new flow conditioning meshes to both the flowhead cone and
the flowhead end cap.
Push the flowhead end cap onto the larger diameter of the fleisch
element and push the flowhead cone onto the smaller diameter.