Manual VIPA System SLIO
Chapter 3 Deployment
HB300E - IM - RE_053-1DP00 - Rev. 11/03
Project engineering
For project engineering a DP master engineering tool can be used like the
Siemens SIMATIC manager. Here you assign the according PROFIBUS
DP slave modules to the DP master.
A direct assignment takes place via the PROFIBUS address that you set at
the DP slave address selector.
By installing the corresponding GSD file the IM 053-1DP00 is listed at the
hardware catalog as "VIPA_053-1DP00 (DP-V0 or DP-V1)".
You'll find this at:
> Additional Field devices > I/O > VIPA_SLIO
For every PROFIBUS slave from VIPA there is a GSD file available. This
file may either be found on the supplied storage media or at the download
area of www.vipa.de.
The assignment of the GSD-file to your slave is shown in the following
SLIO order number
VIPA 053-1DP00(DP-V0)
VIPA 053-1DP00(DP-V1)
Please install the required files into your configuration tool. Details on the
installation of the GSD and/or type files are available from the manual
supplied with your configuration tool.
After the installation of the GSD file you will find this entry e.g. the DP-V1
slave in the hardware catalog from Siemens at:
PROFIBUS DP >Additional field devices > I/O > VIPA_SLIO >
VIPA 053-1DP00 (DPV1)
Mount your PROFIBUS system.
Start your project engineering tool with a new project.
Configure a master system and create a new PROFIBUS subnet.
For the project engineering of the IM 053-1DP00 take the "VIPA 053-
1DP00 (DPV0)" or "VIPA 053-1DP00 (DPV1)" for each functionality from
the hardware catalog and drag it to the DP master subnet.
Enter a PROFIBUS address between 1 and 125 into the properties of
the DP slave and set the same address at the address switch.
Parameterize the DP slave (see parameters).
Transfer your project to the PLC.
GSD- file