Manual VIPA System SLIO
Chapter 1 Basics and Assembly
HB300E - IM - RE_053-1DP00 - Rev. 11/03
DC24V max. 10A
SysDC5V max. 3A
(1) DC 24V for power section supply I/O area (max 10A)
(2) DC 24V for electronic power supply bus coupler and I/O area
Power section and electronic power section supply are internally protected
against higher voltage by fuses. The fuses are within the power module.
If one fuse released, its electronic module must be exchanged!
It is recommended to externally protect the corresponding supply with a
fuse (fast).
The power section supply is to be externally protected with a fuse (fast),
which corresponds to the maximum current. This means max. 10A is to
be protected with a 10A fuse (fast).
The electronic power supply for bus coupler and I/O area is to be
externally protected with a 4A fuse (fast).
The electronic power supply for the I/O area of the power module 007-
1AB10 is to be externally protected with a 1A fuse (fast).
After PowerON of the System SLIO the LEDs RUN respectively MF get on
so far as the sum current does not exceed 3A.
With a sum current greater than 3A the LEDs may not be activated. Here
the power module with the order number 007-1AB10 is to be placed
between the peripheral modules. More concerning this may be found at the
following page.
Standard wiring
State of the
electronic power
supply via LEDs