Manual VIPA System SLIO
Chapter 3 Deployment
HB300E - IM - RE_053-1DP00 - Rev. 11/03
provides the basic functionality of DP, including cycle data
exchange as well as station diagnostic, module diagnostic and channel-
specific diagnostic.
Data is transferred cyclically between the DP master and the DP slave by
means of transmit and receive buffers.
DP master
DP slave with I/O-Modules
I/O Modules
buffer receive
Profibus DP
buffer send
Bus cycle
DP cycle
PII: process image of the inputs
PIQ: process image of the outputs
A bus cycle saves all the input data from the modules in the PII and all the
output data from the PIQ in the output modules. When the data has been
saved the PII is transferred into the ”buffer send” and the contents of the
”buffer receive” is transferred into PIQ.
During a PROFIBUS cycle the master addresses all its slaves according to
the sequence defined in the data exchange. The data exchange reads and
writes data from/into the memory areas assigned to the PROFIBUS.
The contents of the PROFIBUS input area is entered into the ”buffer
receive” and the data in the ”buffer send” is transferred into the PROFIBUS
output area.
The exchange of data between DP master and DP slave is completed
cyclically and it is independent from the bus cycle.
cyclic data
Bus cycle
DP cycle