mode because the guest cannot decide this directly. For
example, the guest can force the thermostat to Off only by
opening the window or can set it to standby only by leav-
ing the room (removing the card from the pocket reader).
33. If a 1-bit thermostat comfort/stby object is associated
with the “Guest in room” pocket object, when the Well-
contact Suite software is started up, the thermostats
that were in "Economy" or "Protected/Off" mode return
automatically to STBY with higher setpoints.
The “U” flag must be disabled in ETS for the thermostat
object. If the "Guest in room" pocket object is associated
with the 1bit "Stby/Comfort" thermostat object, when a guest
enters the room goes to "Comfort" mode. If within the same
group the "R" read flag is enabled on the pocket object to
allow the presence of a guest in the room to be interrogated
by the WCS software, when it starts, the software performs
interrogation polling on this group and the pocket responds
with a "0" bit for the "Guest in room" object. If the flag "U" is
active in that thermostat object, it takes the pocket response
as an update for its operating mode and goes to Stby when
perhaps it had been set to "Economy" mode or "Protected/
Off" mode for an extended period of non-use of the room.
34. How can I update the thermostat setpoints and meas-
ured temperatures on a supervisor (e.g. Well-contact
To have the new setpoint status once a new setpoint has
been set on the supervisor (regardless of the mode currently
being used) you must go to the "SETPOINT" and "SENSOR
PARAMETERS" parameters of the thermostat and set the
values of "Send on Change" and "Cyclic Send Time" as
preferred: if the system is very large you should perhaps set
the send on difference to 0.3-0.5°C and not set the periodic
send every x minutes so as not to overload the Bus with
35. Is it possible to operate a thermostat in such a way that
in the summer it controls a 0-100% proportional valve
and in the winter a simple head in On/Off mode?
Yes, this can be done by means of special programming of
the thermostat and relay device that we will now look at in
greater detail, provided the On/Off head is not controlled by
the relay on the thermostat (which does not have the logic
function described below) but by a relay of other devices
such as an 01523 or a 14457, etc.. YOU have to set the
thermostat VALVE parameter to "4 pipe proportional with
proportional/integral control" mode. This way you have 2
separate "1 byte proportional valve" objects for each season
and will use only the one for the summer - object no. 34 -
(whereas for the winter you will not use the corresponding
1 byte object). For winter mode, set the thermostat FAN
parameters as "Maximum speed 1", in other words use the
corresponding object no. 46 of "Speed-1" given that when
the winter valve is activated by a thermostat heating request,
this object will certainly also be activated. Given that the ther-
mostat's season change object (object no. 18) goes to "1"
in winter status and "0" if you set the summer season, you
can then work with a relay, for example a 01523 on which
you can activate the parameter "1 OBJECT LOGIC function"
(setting it in "AND" mode). You can then create a first group
with the "On/Off control" of the relay together with object no.
38/46 "Speed 1" of the thermostat (this serves to control the
heating head) and then another group with "object no. 18
summer/winter status" of the associated thermostat together
with the object "Logic 1" of relay 01523. In functional terms,
in winter the "logic 1 of 01523" group is activated, so when
the other group (i.e. that of object no. 38/46 of the thermo-
stat + relay On/Off control) also goes to 1, the relay 01523
will switch towards the head. In summer the first of the two
groups will be constantly at "0", so the On/Off messages
reaching the 2
group from thermostat object no. 38/46 will
not cause the relay to move.
36. Is it possible to operate a temperature control system
with a 0-100% proportional speed fan coil in both sum-
mer and winter and an on/off head for the underfloor
system only in winter?
YES, it is possible. The guest will see the room temperature
on the display and will use the buttons to operate the fan
coil system, to activate the temperature in Comfort mode,
or to stop the system with Economy/STBY/Off-Antifreeze
mode. To operate the underfloor system in winter (with
a constant temperature throughout the day), the guest
must control “thermostat-B” via the respective menu that
is selected by pressing the button
; the display will
show the icon
. From the thermostat parameters in
ETS, the “Thermostat-B split” mode is activated and, like
“Thermostat-A”, it is set to consider the device probe with a
100% weighting. For "Thermostat-A" of the proportional fan
coil you need to set the "4 pipes On/Off" parameters for the
valve, the type of adjustment in "On/Off Control" while the
type of fan can be chosen from the proportional fan coil with
continuous control (0% - 100%) or the 3-speed proportional
fan coil (0% - 33% - 67% - 100%). In ETS there will be the
objects nos. 34, 35 for the two hot and cold valves On/
Off and object no. 44 for proportional control of the fan coil
speed. For "Thermostat-B" for the floor you need to set the
parameters as "4 pipes with On/Off control" and the ETS
objects nos. 81, 82 for control of the hot-valve and cold-
valve: object no. 78/82 will be paired with the floor relay
leaving object no. 77/81 unused so in the summer it will not
operate. The season change is performed via bus by means
of communication object no. 66 for thermostat 02952 of
In winter, when leaving home for an extended period,
the customer may activate an “Exit” scenario that uses ETS
parameters to set both “Thermostat-A” and “Thermostat-B”
in ECONOMY. On returning, he can use another scenario to
return them to COMFORT mode (the thermostat will retain
in its memory the last CMF setpoint that the customer had
selected for both). Obviously the system will require two but-
tons or a supervisor to allow the customer to call up the two
37. Is it possible to control a fan coil by using any free relays
of the various devices without using the 4 I/O device (art.
01522) or the relay actuator (art. 01523)?
Yes, it is possible; however, to prevent the user via supervi-
sion from mistakenly activating a speed relay while a similar
relay is also activated by the thermostat, it is necessary in the
ETS project to avoid pairing the force–speed objects nos. 39,
40, 41 and 42.
38. What is the difference between firmware version 1.00
and 2.00?
Firmware version 2.00 has been updated with datapoint 114
Humidity Value at 2 bytes type 9.007 that is activated by
setting the parameter for Percentage displayed = Humidity.
Furthermore, by setting the parameter Enable Menu =
Disable this excludes only the change of operating mode of
the Thermostat A. In the case of the firmware version 1.00,