To change the username and password for either admin or guest, enter the new text in the textboxes on the
Security page. Permitted characters are upper and lowercase alphabet (case sensitive), numbers and the
underscore character. Up to 32 characters per box are allowed. When you click on the Apply button the new
values are stored, and if the admin values were changed, the browser’s username/password dialog comes
up again to allow re-authentication with the new values.
1. Usernames and Passwords
Important: Be sure to click on the Apply button at the bottom of the page when finished making changes.
In the event that secure login is not required, the
can be programmed to skip the authentication step
and go directly from the Click here for access landing page to the main page. To do this, go to the
Security page. Blank out all three admin textboxes and all three guest textboxes and click on the Apply button.
This warning appears:
Warning: Username and/or Password is blank, hit OK to accept or cancel to change.
Click on OK. On the dialog that appears next, check the box for Prevent this page from creating additional
dialogs. It should be noted that this method of operation is not secure and should only be used on networks
where unauthorized use would not be a problem.
2. Operation Without Authentication
uses Digest Authentication by default, but checking this box tells it to use Basic Authentication
instead. While Basic Authentication is less secure, it may be preferred for use with some browsers or
smartphones for compatibility reasons.
3. Basic Authentication
At the bottom of the Settings page, click on Network Settings.
C. Network Settings
The following items are displayed:
MAC Address:
This is for display only, since the MAC address cannot be changed.
Device Name:
The current device name appears in this box. The default device name, MYVIKING, can be
changed to a more user-specific name if desired. If there are multiple
’s on a network, each unit must be
given a unique device name to avoid unintentionally connecting with the wrong unit. The device name can be 1
- 15 characters long, must begin with a letter, cannot contain any spaces, is not case-sensitive and can include
the underscore character.