The input names displayed on the main page can be customized by entering new names in the
Input Names
group textboxes. Up to 16 characters are permitted, including upper and lower case alphabet, numbers,
spaces and the underscore character.
1. Input Names
Important: Be sure to click on the Apply button at the bottom of the page when finished making changes.
This refers to the way the states of the inputs are described on the main page and in emails. The default state
descriptions are Open/Closed, but other possibilities might be Running/Stopped, Up/Down or In/Out. Up to
12 characters are allowed with the same list of characters as input names.
2. Input Status Phrasing
The procedure for customizing relay names is the same as for input names, with 16 characters allowed and
the same list of permitted characters.
3. Relay Names
The times for timed closures are shown in this group. The time shown in the box next to a relay on the main
page is the time that relay remains activated when the Start button is clicked. Note that these times can be
overridden by entering another value in the timed closures box on the main page and clicking Start. The next
time the main page is activated, however, the default time value will appear again in the box. The default
closure time values are what is being set here.
4. Closure Times
The checkboxes below allow precise control of which functions are allowed when the user is logged in as
guest. These limitations apply only to the guest login; users logged in as admin retain full privileges and
5. Guest Access Control
Input Visibility / Relay Control:
The Input Visibility / Relay Control group lets you decide which inputs or
relays appear on the main page. If an input or relay is checked, it appears on the main page; if not, it does
not appear on the main page for those logged in as guest, and consequently it is not accessible to them.
Function Control:
The function control group allows for control of specific relay functions for guest logins.
The ability to toggle relays, activate timed relay closures or edit the relay activation time on the main page can
be turned on or off.
At the bottom of the Settings page,
click on Security.
B. Security