a. Base Part No. 10485 with 1/2"
(15 mm) NPT or
b. Base Part No. 10680 with 3/4"
(20 mm) NPT
To or der the Cover Plate As sem bly, re -
fer to: Part No. 09804.
NOTE: Spec ify tem per a ture rat ing of
sprin kler and tem per a ture rat ing and fin -
ish of cover plate as sem bly (see Ta ble
on page 58 d).
Sprin kler Cab i net: Part No. 01731A
Ca pac ity: six (6) sprin klers
Avail able since 1971.
Con cealed Sprin kler Wrenches*:
A. Heavy Duty: Part No. 08336W/B
Avail able since 1993
B. Light Duty: Part No. 10366W/B**
Avail able since 1998
* A 1/2" ratchet is re quired (not avail able from Vi-
** Ideal for sprin kler cab i nets.
Vi king products are avail able through a
net work of do mes tic, Ca na dian, and in -
ter na tional dis trib u tors. See the Yel low
Pages of the tele phone di rec tory for a lo -
cal dis trib u tor (listed un der “Sprin klers-
Au to matic-Fire”) or con tact Vi king.
Vi king Tech ni cal Data may be found on
The Vi king Cor po ra tion’s Web site at:
The Web site may in clude a more re cent
edi tion of this Tech ni cal Data page.
For de tails of war ranty, re fer to Vi king’s
cur rent price sched ule or con tact The
Vi king Corporation di rectly.
WARNING: Vi king sprin klers are man u -
fac tured and tested to meet the rigid re -
quire ments of the ap prov ing agency.
The sprin klers are de signed to be in -
stalled in ac cor dance with rec og nized
in stal la tion stan dards. De vi a tion from
the stan dards or any al ter ation to the
sprin kler or cover plate as sem bly af ter it
leaves the fac tory in clud ing, but not lim -
ited to: paint ing, plat ing, coat ing or mod -
i fi ca tion, may ren der the sprin kler in op -
er a tive and will au to mat i cally nul lify the
ap proval and any guar an tee made by
The Vi king Cor po ra tion.
A. Sprin klers must be in stalled in ac cor -
dance with the lat est pub lished stan -
dards of the Na tional Fire Pro tec tion
As so ci a tion, Fac tory Mu tual, Loss Pre -
ven tion Coun cil, Assemblee Pleniere,
Verband der Sachversicherer or other
sim i lar or ga ni za tions, and also with the
pro vi sions of gov ern men tal codes, or di -
nances, and stan dards when ever ap pli -
ca ble. Con cealed sprin klers are dec o ra -
tive sprin klers and may be con sid ered
spe cial pur pose. Re fer to the Au thor ity
Hav ing Ju ris dic tion prior to in stal la tion.
NOTE: Pre vi ous Model B-1 Cover Plate
As sem bly Part Num ber 08310 may still be
used for ULC/UL in stal la tions.
B. Sprin klers must be han dled with care.
Con cealed sprin klers are pro tected with a
plas tic shell, which should re main in place
over the sprin kler body dur ing in stal la tion,
test ing, and any time the sprin kler is han -
dled or shipped. The plas tic pro tec tive
shell must be re moved prior to plac ing the
sys tem in ser vice. See sec tion “I” below.
Prior to in stal la tion, sprin klers must be
stored in a cool, dry place in their orig i -
nal ship ping con tainer. Never in stall
sprin klers that have been dropped,
dam aged in any way, or ex posed to
tem per a tures in ex cess of max i mum
am bi ent tem per a ture al lowed. Such
sprin klers should be de stroyed im me di -
C. Ho ri zon
Mi rage
Quick Re sponse
Con cealed Sprin klers must be in stalled
in neu tral or neg a tive pres sure ple -
nums only.
D. Use care when lo cat ing sprin klers near
fix tures that can gen er ate heat. Do not
in stall sprin klers where they would be ex -
posed to tem per a tures that ex ceed the
max i mum rec om mended am bi ent tem -
per a ture for the tem per a ture rat ing used.
E. Ho ri zon
Mi rage
Con cealed Sprin -
klers are not in tended for use in cor ro -
sive en vi ron ments. Use only sprin klers
listed for cor ro sive en vi ron ments when
sub ject to cor ro sive at mo spheres.
F. Ad e quate heat must be pro vided when
Ho ri zon
Mi rage
Quick Re sponse Ex -
tended Cov er age Con cealed Sprin -
klers are in stalled on wet pipe sys tems.
When in stall ing sprinklers on dry sys -
tems, re fer to ap pro pri ate in stal la tion
guides and the Au thor ity Hav ing
G. Sprinklers must be in stalled af ter the
pip ing is in place to pre vent mechanical
dam age. Be fore in stal la tion, be sure to
have the ap pro pri ate sprin kler model
and style, with the cor rect or i fice size,
tem per a ture rat ing, and re sponse char -
ac ter is tics. In stall the sprin klers ac cord -
ing to the fol low ing steps:
1. In stall all pip ing and cut the sprin kler
drop nip ple to po si tion the 1/2" or
3/4" (de pend ing on the sprin kler)
NPT out let of the re duc ing cou pling
at the de sired el e va tion. The drop
nip ple must be per pen dic u lar to the
ceil ing and cen tered in a 2" (50 mm)
di am e ter open ing in the ceil ing.
2. With the sprin kler in the plas tic pro -
tec tive shell, ap ply a small amount of
pipe-joint com pound or tape to the
ex ter nal threads of the sprin kler
only, tak ing care not to al low
build-up in side the sprin kler in let.
3. Use only the spe cial wrenches de -
signed for in stall ing Ho ri zon
Mi rage
Con cealed Sprin klers. With the sprin -
kler in the plas tic pro tec tive shell,
place the unit into the wrench.
4. Turn the unit clock wise to thread the
sprin kler into the 1/2" or 3/4" (de -
pend ing on the sprin kler used) NPT
out let of the cou pling. DO NOT use
the fus ible link to start or thread the
sprin kler into a fit ting.
H. Af ter in stal la tion, the en tire sys tem must
be tested in ac cor dance with rec og -
nized in stal la tion stan dards. The test is
ap plied af ter sprin kler in stal la tion to en -
sure that no dam age has oc curred to
the sprin kler dur ing ship ping and in stal -
la tion, and to make sure the unit has
been prop erly tight ened. If a thread leak
oc curs, nor mally the unit must be re -
moved, new pipe-joint com pound or
tape ap plied, and then re in stalled. This
is due to the fact that when the joint seal
leaks, the seal ing com pound or tape is
washed out of the joint.
I. After test ing, re pair ing of all leaks, and
in stal la tion and paint ing of the ceil ing,
the cover plate as sem bly may be at -
Sprin kler 58 b
1/2" NPT Sprin klers:
P/N 08498 (std. or i fice)
P/N 10485 (large or i fice)
3/4" NPT
Sprin kler:
P/N 10680
(large or i fice)
Pro tec tive
May 25, 2000
Fig ure
Con cealed Sprin kler Wrench** Part No.
08336W/B (shown) or Part No. 10366W/B
**A 1/2" ratchet is re quired (not avail able through Vi king).