1. Re move the cover from the pro tec -
tive box, tak ing care not to dam age
the cover plate as sem bly.
2. Re move and dis card the plas tic pro -
tec tive shell from the sprin kler. Rec -
om men da tion: re tain a pro tec tive
shell in the spare sprin kler cab i net.
The in ter nal di am e ter of the spe cial
Ho ri zon
Mi rage
Con cealed Sprin -
kler In stal la tion Wrenches are de -
signed for use with the sprin kler
con tained in a pro tec tive shell.
3. From be low the ceil ing, gently place the
base of the cover plate as sem bly over
the threaded body of the sprin kler pro -
trud ing through the 2" (50 mm) di am e -
ter hole in the ceil ing.
4. Push the cover plate as sem bly onto
the sprin kler un til the un fin ished
brass flange of the cover plate base
touches the ceil ing.
The max i mum ad just ment avail -
able, is 1/2" (12,7 mm). DO NOT
MODIFY THE UNIT. If nec es sary,
re-cut the sprin kler drop nip ple.
The “thread-off” de sign of the cover
plate as sem bly al lows the cover plate
as sem bly to be re moved and re in -
stalled to per mit tem po rary re moval of
ceil ing pan els with out tak ing the sprin -
kler sys tem out of ser vice and re mov -
ing the sprin kler. To re move the cover
plate as sem bly:
1. From be low the ceil ing, grasp the
cover plate and gently turn it coun -
ter clock wise.
If it is nec es sary to re move the en -
tire sprin kler, the sys tem must be
re moved from ser vice. See Main -
te nance in struc tions and fol low all
warn ings and in struc tions.
K. RE-ASSEMBLY: The “push-on” fea ture
of the cover plate as sem bly al lows easy
in stal la tion of the cover plate.
1. From be low the ceil ing, gently place the
base of the cover plate as sem bly over
the threaded body of the sprin kler.
2. Push the cover plate as sem bly onto
the sprin kler un til the un fin ished
brass flange of the cover plate base
touches the ceil ing.
NO TICE: The owner is re spon si ble for
main tain ing the fire pro tec tion sys tem
and de vices in proper op er at ing
condition. For min i mum main te nance
and in spec tion re quire ments, re fer to the
ap pro pri ate Na tional Fire Pro tec tion As -
so ci a tion’s pam phlet that de scribes care
and main te nance of sprin kler sys tems. In
ad di tion, the Au thor ity Hav ing Ju ris dic -
tion may have ad di tional main te nance
re quire ments that must be fol lowed.
A. Sprin klers must be in spected on a reg u -
lar ba sis for cor ro sion, me chan i cal
dam age, ob struc tions, paint, etc. The
fre quency of in spec tions may vary due to
cor ro sive at mo spheres, wa ter sup -
plies, and ac tiv ity around the de vice.
B. Sprin klers or cover plate as sem blies
that have been field painted or me -
chan i cally dam aged must be re placed
im me di ately. Sprin klers show ing signs
of cor ro sion shall be tested and/or re -
placed im me di ately as re quired. In stal -
la tion stan dards re quire sprin klers to
be tested and, if nec es sary, re placed
im me di ately af ter a spec i fied term of
ser vice. Re fer to the in stal la tion stan -
dards and the Au thor ity Hav ing Ju ris -
dic tion for the spec i fied pe riod of time
af ter which test ing and/or re place ment
is re quired. Sprin klers and cover plate
as sem blies that have op er ated can not
be re as sem bled or re-used, but must be
re placed. When re place ment is nec es -
sary, use only new sprin klers and cover
plate as sem blies.
C. The sprin kler dis charge pat tern is crit i -
cal for proper fire pro tec tion. Noth ing
should be hung from the sprin kler, at -
tached to it, or oth er wise ob struct the
dis charge pat tern. All ob struc tions must
be im me di ately re moved or, if nec es -
sary, ad di tional sprin klers in stalled.
D. When re plac ing ex ist ing sprin klers, the
sys tem must be re moved from ser vice.
Re fer to the ap pro pri ate sys tem de -
scrip tion and/or valve in struc tions.
Prior to re mov ing the sys tem from ser -
vice, no tify all Au thor ities Hav ing Ju ris -
dic tion. Con sid er ation should be given
to em ploy ment of a fire pa trol in the af -
fected area.
1. Re move the sys tem from ser vice,
drain all wa ter, and re lieve all pres -
sure on the pip ing.
2. Re move the cover plate as sem bly:
a. From be low the ceil ing, grasp the
cover plate and gently turn it
coun ter clock wise.
3. Place a plas tic pro tec tive shell (from
the spare sprin kler cab i net) over the
sprin kler to be re moved. The in ter -
nal di am e ter of the spe cial Ho ri zon
Mi rage
Con cealed Sprin kler In stal -
la tion Wrenches are de signed for
use with the sprin kler con tained in
the shell.
4. Re move the sprin kler from the fit ting
in which it is in stalled:
a. Using one of the spe cial sprin kler
wrenches, turn the unit coun ter -
clock wise to re move the old
sprin kler.
5. In stall the new unit. Care must be taken
to en sure that the re place ment sprin -
kler is the proper model and style, with
the cor rect or i fice size, tem per a ture
rat ing, and re sponse char ac ter is tics.
A fully stocked spare sprin kler cab i net
should be pro vided for this pur pose.
Use of the cor rect Ho ri zon
Mi rage
Sprin kler 58 c
May 25, 2000
Fig ure 3: In stal la tion of 3/4" (20 mm) NPT Sprin kler
Fig ure 2: In stal la tion of 1/2" (15 mm) NPT Sprin kler
2" (50 mm)
di am e ter hole
re quired
(61,9 mm)
Min i mum
(69,8 mm)
(20 mm)
(61,9 mm)
(74,6 mm)
Max i mum
(69,8 mm)
(15 mm)
(57,2 mm)
(57,2 mm)
Min i mum
2" (50 mm)
di am e ter hole
re quired
(69,8 mm)
Max i mum