Solar System Design Guide
6020 457 - 01
Pump Exercise Function with Solar Control Module SM1
If the pumps and valves have been switched off for 24
hours, they are started for approximately 10 seconds to
prevent them seizing up.
SD Card with SCU 345
SD card to be provided on site with a memory capacity
2 GB and file system FAT16.
Never use SD-HC modules.
The SD card is inserted into the SCU 345.
To record the operating values of the solar thermal
Saving the values to the SD card in a text file. This
may, for example be opened in a tabular calculation
program (e.g. Excel). The historical logged values can
then be graphed for easy viewing.
Smart Display SD3
Used for visualizing live data issued by the controller:
collector temperature, tank temperature and energy
yield of the solar thermal system. For use with all SCU
Utilization of Excess Heat (Heat Dump) with SCU 124 / 224 / 345
In systems with several storage tanks or thermal loads.
A heat dump can be selected to be heated only after all
other storage tanks or thermal loads have reached their
maximum set value. The selected heat dump will not be
heated in cyclical operation.
Solar Control