이 자료는 저작권법에 따라 보호받는 저작물이므로 무단배포 및 무단복제를 금하며, 내용의 전부
또는 일부를 이용하려면, 반드시 한국 VictorRuoshui 社 의 서면동의를 받아야 합니다.
- 16 -
Frequency Response: (50
200) Hz;
Display: Average value response (RMS of
sine wave).
2-2-3. DCA
1. Insert the black test lead into the "COM"
input terminal and red one into the "
input terminal. (Max 400mA), or 10A
input terminal (Max 10A).
2. Rotate function switch to Current gear. The
initiate state of the meter is in automatic
range status, which shows "DC" symbol.
Then connect the test leads to the tested
circuit in serial, the tested current value
and the current polarity of the point where
the red one is contacted will be displayed
on the screen simultaneously.
1. If “OL” is displayed on LCD, it indicates