Page 13
Input Power OK (J10-18)
This is an active high TTL compatible signal and provides a status indication of the DC input power
(see Table 1 and Connector Pin Identification on Page 11). It is capable of sinking 20mA maximum. This
signal switches to a TTL “1” when V
is within its specified range.
Operating Range
Power OK Trigger
Nominal V
Low LIne
High LIne
Low LIne
Cut Off
High LIne
Cut Off
12 Volts
10 Volts
20 Volts
6V – 10V
20V – 23V
24 Volts
21 Volts
32 Volts
16V – 21V
32V – 36V
24 Volts
18 Volts
36 Volts
12V – 18V
36V – 41V
36 Volts
21 Volts
56 Volts
11V – 21V
56V – 63V
48 Volts
42 Volts
60 Volts
34V – 42V
60V – 68V
48 Volts
36 Volts
76 Volts
23V – 36V
76V – 86V
72 Volts
55 Volts
100 Volts
40V – 55V
100V – 111V*
*Do not apply greater than 100 Volts to the input of the DC MegaPAC
Input Power Fail (J10-19)
The Input Power Fail signal on pin J10-19 is the inverse of the Input Power OK signal on J10-18, and
goes to a TTL "0" when the input DC power is OK. It is capable of sinking 20mA maximum.
Overtemperature Warning (J10-3)
J10-3 is a signal that asserts a TTL level "1" if the air temperature exceeds the following factory set
levels. The warning trip point is 65 – 76°C, typically, and recovery point is 60 – 71°C, typically.
Overtemperature Shutdown
If the inlet ambient air temperature exceeds the following factory set levels, the outputs are disabled.
The shutdown trip point is 70 – 81°C, typically, and recovery point is 40 – 48°C, typically.
Analog Temperature Monitor (10-4)
This signal on J10-4, referenced to Signal Ground, provides an analog DC voltage output between
0 and 10V that represents the air temperature of 0 – 100°C, respectively, inside the power supply. The
inlet air temperataure is monitored close to the fan.
Gate IN/Gate OUT (J10-13, 25)
This signal on J10-4, referenced to Signal Ground, provides an analog DC voltage output between
0V and 10V that represents the air temperature of 0 – 100°C inside the power supply. The inlet air
temperature is monitored close to the fan.
The driver DC MegaPAC (ModuPAC, slot #8) generates the Gate OUT signal and sends it to the booster
DC MegaPAC (ModuPAC, slot #1). The Vicor zero-current switching booster technology provides for
accurate, dynamic power sharing within arrays, without the need for trimming, module "matching" or
external components.
Table 1
Input Voltage Range
& Power OK Limits