Vicking electronics
Pag. 15
, 83
Output 4 off
, 99
Output 4 timed
With extra time byte in units of 0.5 sec, with a value of 1 to 127.
, 125
Identify WORKmate model command.
The WORkmate II returns function code 120 with a 4 digit number in the data
field. The first number is always 2 for the WORKmate II, the last 3 digits are
the firmware version number.
See the chapter on output function codes.
ONLINE example
Transmit: 06 50
Red led blinks
OFFLINE direct example
OFFLINE parameter example
Is not possible with parameters
Time out
+ Time1 + Time2
This command is used as input timeout, for example the program returns to the main menu when the user
wait to long to answer a question. This command can also be used to show a message for a certain time, for
example when the user types in wrong data, a error message is shown after the timeout is elapsed the
program returns to the question.
The workmate sends a function code after both time1 and time2 are elapsed. See the chapter “The terminal
output function codes”.
The time unit of the bytes Time1 and Time2 is half a second, Time1 can have a value of 1 to 127 and Time2
can have a value of 1 to 15.
During the first time ‘Time1’ the workmate is quiet, during the second time ‘Time2’ the workmate will beep
to attract the attention of the user.
When the user pushes a key, reads a bar code or magnetic card the time-out function will be aborted.
ONLINE example
Transmit: 17Input error10 04
Clear screen, display ‘Input error’ , wait for 5 sec
and beep for 2 sec.
OFFLINE direct example
OFFLINE parameter example
Field 2 in a TXT file record is time1, field 3 is time2
TXT record 5: 001004