Safety Information
Important – Please read these instructions fully before starting assembly
This Bike has been designed, assembled and tested in accordance with the BS EN
14766:2005 standard to ensure your safety. To make sure the bike remains safe, it should only
be used for recreational use. Under no circumstances should it be used for competitive cycling,
stunting, jumping or acrobatic manoeuvres. These types of cycling may result in serious personal
injury and damage to the bike.
Always wear a cycle helmet when riding the bike. The helmet should be the correct size
for your head and must conform to the European Standard EN1078:1997.
When riding in the dark, always make sure that the bike is fitted with suitable reflectors
and use a white front light and a red rear light.
Always take extra care when riding in wet, foggy, windy or icy conditions. The brakes
may not be as effective and the braking distances may be increased.
Always wear suitable cycling clothing when riding the bike. Loose clothing which may
get caught in moving parts should be avoided.
This bike is only suitable for use by riders (including any panniers and/or luggage) with a
weight of less than 115 kg (254 lb).
When assembling the handlebars and stem to the bike frame, make sure the
suspension forks are facing in the correct direction. If the suspension forks are assembled correctly,
the brakes should be facing forwards. Failure to observe this warning may prevent their correct
operation and may lead to personal injury and damage to the bike.
When assembling the handlebars and stem, make sure it is inserted beyond the
minimum insert mark. Failure to observe this warning may lead to a potentially unstable bike and
may result in serous personal injury.
When assembling the seat post, make sure it is inserted beyond the minimum insert
mark. Failure to observe this warning may lead to a potentially unstable seat post and may result in
serous personal injury.
The front and rear tyres must be fully inflated before attempting to ride the bike. Under
no circumstances should the tyres be inflated above the maximum pressure stated on the side of
the tyres.
Only inflate the front and rear tyres of the bike using a bicycle pump. Do not attempt to
use another type of pump to inflate the tyres.
As with all mechanical components, the bike is subjected to wear and high stresses.
Different materials and components may react to wear, stress or fatigue in different ways. If the
design life of a component has been exceeded, it may suddenly fail, possibly causing injuries to the
rider. Any form of crack, scratches or change of colouring in highly stressed areas indicate that the
life of the component has been reached and it should be replaced.
Ensure only genuine replacement parts are used, especially for safety critical parts.
Customer Helpline 0845 640 0800
0345 640 0800