You should perform the following checks before riding your bike to ensure it is safe to use and
operating correctly.
1. Is the Saddle Secure?
While standing next to the bike, try and move the saddle from side to side. If the saddle moves you
should retighten the seat post bolt or the saddle clamp bolts.
2. Are the Front and Rear Tyres Inflated Correctly?
Squeeze the sides of the front and rear tyres. If they are soft they will need in
ating. Re-in
ate to the
pressure indicated on the sides of the tyres using an approved bicycle pump.
3. Are the Pedals Tight?
Using the supplied multitool, ensure both the left and right pedals are fully tight. Remember that the
threaded shafts of the left and right pedals tighten in different directions.
4. Do the Brakes Work?
Stand next to the bike and apply the front brake and push forwards. If the wheels move,
the front brake may not be working correctly. If required, adjust the front brake as described in the
Maintenance Manual.
Repeat the above check for the rear brake.
5. Do the Handlebars Move?
Hold the front wheel between your legs and try to move the handlebars. If the handlebars move, the
stem bolt may have become loose. Retighten the stem bolt.
6. Is the Bike Clean?
The bike should be cleaned and re-oiled regularly to ensure it operates correctly.
Before Riding
Riding Advice
The bike is f itted with front and rear brakes to stop the bike effectively.
The brakes are operated using two brake levers mounted on the handle bars next to the trigger
shifters. The left hand brake lever operates the rear brake and the right hand brake lever operates the
front brake.
Using the Brakes
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