2.7.2 Unauthorised persons
Mortal danger for unauthorised persons from hazards in the danger and working zone!
Unauthorised persons who do not fulfil the requirements described here do not know the dangers
in the working zone. Unauthorised persons therefore face the danger of severe to mortal injuries.
Keep unauthorised persons away from the danger and working zone.
If in any doubt, speak to them and make sure they leave the danger and working zone.
Interrupt all work with the machine as long as there are unauthorised persons in the danger
and working zone.
2.7.3 Instruction sessions
The operator must train the personnel in regular instruction sessions. In the interests of better traceability, an instruction record
must be kept with the following minimum content:
Date of the instruction session
Name of the person being instructed
Content of the instruction session
Name of the instructor
Signature of the person being instructed and the instructor
2.8 Personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment protects people from health and safety dangers at work. The personnel must wear personal pro-
tective equipment during the various types of work on and with the system, as referred to specially in the individual sections of
this manual.
The personal protective equipment is explained below:
Description of the personal protective equipment
Protective workwear
Protective workwear is close fitting workwear that tears easily, with tight sleeves and without any
protruding parts.
Industrial safety helmet
Industrial safety helmets protect the head from falling objects, suspended loads and impacts
against stationary objects.