Introductory Phase
The position
Position RelaxoCat
indoors within a radius of max.
5m / 15 ft (outdoor max. 3m / 9 ft) in the cats main
living area, ensuring that your cat cannot reach
at all times.
When initially using the sound device, in the first days initially avoid
making commands and correcting behavior.
A permanent use of the sound device of a minimum of 1-2
hours should be respected in the introduction phase.
After a short time you will notice a persistent, relaxed attitude in
your cat's behavior and then a more advanced phase with
may start.
Since RelaxoCat
works fully automatic, please ensure for the first use of RelaxoCat
, you take a
neutral and calm approach to the cat . Always choose a pleasant audible volume.
Never initiate the sound in direct contact with an already ongoing event (exceptions: thunderstorms and
fireworks) in order to avoid an unwanted conditioning your cat and possibly reinforcing existing
The First Use
In the beginning, use RelaxoCat
at least 3 Days
only in combination with the audible sound track
and not in your complete absence.
can be used anytime thunderstorms or fireworks. In these instances, please use the audible sound waves at a
pleasant volume.
Reichweite Indoor