8.2 Rear View
28. Limiter bypass switch: turns the internal compressor limiter on or off. Must always be in on position
unless external compressor limiter devices are used in the cutting process.
29. Input level select switch: adjusts the input gain +4dB/
30. Phono level output jacks: standard RCA left/right output jacks for playback
31. On/off power switch
32. AC power cable
33. Ground terminal
34. XLR balanced left/right audio input sockets PIN1 – ground; PIN2 – hot; PIN3 – cold
35. Unbalanced input jacks: standard left/right RCA audio input sockets. N.B. if both XLR and RCA audio
input sockets have equipment connected, the RCA takes precedence and XLR becomes disengaged.
36. Connector cable from cutting head to internal mechanisms.