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Target CPA filter
This specifies the maximum CPA value a target can have and still be
displayed. Any targets with a CPA greater than this value will be
Use this filter to eliminate targets which will pass at a safe distance.
Alarms are not triggered for filtered targets.
The total count of filtered targets is displayed on the situation display.
Selecting “
” disables the target CPA filter.
Selecting “
All Non-converging
” indicates that all targets that do not
have a CPA (meaning they are not on a converging course) will be
If this setting is lower than the “CPA alarm - Target Speed” setting a
warning is displayed to indicate you may be filtering more targets than
you intend.
Target TCPA filter
This specifies the maximum TCPA value a target can have and still be
displayed. Any targets with a TCPA greater than this value will be
Use this filter to eliminate targets which will not be nearby soon. Alarms
are not triggered for filtered targets.
The total count of filtered targets is displayed on the situation display.
Selecting “
” disables the target TCPA filter.
If this setting is lowe
r than the “CPA alarm - Time” setting a warning is
displayed to indicate you may be filtering more targets than you intend.
Guard alarm range
This specifies a range in nautical miles. Targets within this range will
trigger a guard alarm regardless of whether a collision risk exists.
Guard alarms are most useful when operating where few targets are
expected to be encountered and you wish to be notified there is
“somebody out there”.
Selecting “
” disables the guard alarm.
Selecting “
” indicates that all targets regardless of their range will
trigger the guard alarm.
Important note: “ALL” is the only alarm setting that operates
without GPS input.
CPA alarm
Triggers a CPA alarm for any target which will come this distance or
closer to your vessel (in nautical miles).
An alarm will not be triggered if the target doesn't also meet the
specifications of the other CPA alarm settings described below.
Selecting “
” disables the CPA alarm.