Serial I/O
VL-EPU-4562/4462 Reference Manual
If your application requires a custom cable, the following information will be useful:
EPU-4562/4462 Board Connector
Mating Connector
Molex 501331-1007
Molex 501330-1000
COM Port Configuration
Jumper blocks V1 and V2 configure the serial ports for RS-232 or RS-485/RS-422 operation. See
the section titled “Jumper Blocks” on page 16 for details. The termination resistor should only be
enabled for RS-485 or RS-422 endpoint stations and not for intermediate stations. Termination
must not be used for RS-232.
Console Redirection
The Blackbird can be configured for remote access by redirecting the console to a serial
communications port. The BIOS Setup utility and some operating systems (such as MS-DOS)
can use this console for user interaction. The default settings for the redirected console are as
115,200 baud rate
8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit (that is, 8-None-1)
No flow control