MultiTENS Operation Manual
[Hz or pulses per second]
to be selected depends primarily on the electrode placement on
the patient’s body. If one uses contiguous and dermatome (the electrodes
alongside or over the area of pain) electrode placement, a higher rate of 80
Hz - 100 Hz is desirable. The patient should experience steady continuous
stimulation. It has been found that an optimal setting of 80 or 90 Hz with a
pulse width of 200
has good effect for most patients and is a good first
choice for pain-gating. Patients using Trigger, motor or acupuncture points
tend to respond to low rate stimulation 2 Hz - 10 Hz and pulse width of 200
. The desired effect is for the patient to feel individual pulses.
The wider pulse widths will deliver stronger stimulation for any given
intensity [mA] setting. By using a combination of intensity and pulse
duration, it is felt that various pulse widths are capable of stimulating different
groups of nerve fibres. The wider pulse duration is needed to recruit motor
fibres, where as the narrow pulse duration is used more on the sensory fibres.
The selection of which pulse duration to use is dependent upon the intended
treatment protocol.
Stimulating the larger nerve fibres is thought to reduce the speed and the
amount at which information is transmitted along the smaller nerve fibres.
Also under certain circumstances the brain is thought to produce its own
analgesic pain-killing substances, known as endorphins or endogenous
Intensity [mA]
Patients respond differently to the level of intensity, this is due to differences
in individual patient’s skin resistance, enervation and the type and condition
of electrode being used.
A good formula for setting the intensity is to increase the current so that the
patient feels slight muscle contraction, but not strong enough to move a joint,
and then slightly reduce the intensity so that it feels comfortable. When using
low rate TENS settings, individual twitches will occur. The higher rate TENS
settings will increase muscle tension. It is not advised to increase the intensity
to experience strong muscle contraction.
Using the NeuroTrac Multi-TENS Unit
in TENS mode