MultiTENS Operation Manual
The NeuroTrac
Multi-TENS records up to five sessions per day for a period of 60
days. This feature allows the therapist to check each individual session to ensure that
the patient is using the device properly at the prescribed times.
Viewing Detailed Statistics
When your device is locked, and you press the concealed button, it displays the global
statistics, as described in previous chapter. You can see more of your recorded home
compliance by pressing the following buttons:
A+ to scroll the Days.
Press A+ to view the total time and average intensity [mA] for each day. The day
number is displayed on the top left corner of the LCD. Press A+ and scroll through the
days, after the last day, the Global statistics will be displayed.
B+ to scroll Sessions of the selected day
Press B+ to see the session time and sesson average mA for each channel. The number
of sessions recorded for the selected day is displayed on top middle of the LCD, as
“SESSIONS: X/Y” where “X” is the selected session and “Y” is the total number of
sessions recorded this day.
SET - which programme was used
Select the session and see which programme was used on each channel by pressing the
SET button.
A+, then SET, then A+ to see the calendar day
Press A+ to select the Day, press SET then A+ to see the calendar date of the selected
Day (the date and time should be set correctly when you lock the unit).
NOTE: Additional sessions are added to the fifth session if a patient uses the device
more than 5 times a day.
Sessions less than two minutes are not recorded.
Selected day
session (1~5)
Channel A
Average Milli-
Channel B
Average Milli-
Total session time
Channel B
program (if
different from
Channel A