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4 Layout and Function
The medium to be pumped does not come into contact
with any moving parts and is totally contained within the
tube. A roller passes along the length of the tube, com-
pressing it. This motion forces the contents of the tube di-
rectly in front of the roller to move forward along the length
of the tube in a ‘positive displacement’ peristaltic move-
ment. In the wake of the roller’s compressing action, the
natural elasticity of the tube material causes the tube to
recover and regain its round profile. This creates suction
pressure which refills the tube.
4.1 Design Details
The Verderflex Rapide range of tube pumps
provide a balanced selection of simple to operate
peristaltic pumps. The family offers the customer
pump choices that are compact, can have multiple
heads, are simple by design, and the Smart series
provide rapid tube changeovers.
4.2 Labelling
4.2.1 Name Plate
When requesting spares, the model and serial number
should always be quoted.
Figure 2 Name Plate