Doc : CSTORE8C-QSG v1.25
COLDSTORE Compact Quick Start Guide
If setting up a number of COLDSTORE units, all units will have the same default IP address,
so connect them to the network one at a time for IP address setting and configuration to avoid IP
address conflicts.
The Array and Disk Status for this unit will be shown in the main window. Here you can check that
the loaded disks are visible and correct. See User’s Guide for notations.
If the COLDSTORE Compact is not automatically detected, you may manually enter the IP address
of the COLDSTORE by right-clicking in the list window and entering the IP address of the device in
the dialogue box which appears. If this does not work for any reason, see Troubleshooting.
L) System Configuration
Click on the Configuration tab in the main window to bring up this display :
COLDSTORE Configuration Manager Configuration Screen
You will be asked for the default username and password. These are as follows :
Username : admin
Password : admin
Enter the desired IP Address for Ethernet 0, then the network mask and the default gateway.
Enter the address of the primary NTP server on the network – NTP Server 1.
Note that COLDSTORE Compact only has 1 Ethernet port, unlike COLDSTORE 3U which has two
(Eth0 and Eth1).
Set the correct Time Zone for the geographical location of the COLDSTORE.