2.5.4. Allocation of the Fan
Ventoxx RV units work on a pendulum fan principle. In “Ventilation with Heat Recovery”
operation mode two units always work together(one as an air supply and the other as an air
outlet). The running direction will change every 68 seconds. Therefore, the factory sets
Ventoxx RV units working in opposite direction in one delivery. For this purpose the units are
marked with blue and red circles on the fan.
When installing the fans please note that the associated fans always have
different colour markers (blue and red).
2.5.5. Installation in a New Building – Creating an Installation Opening
When constructing new buildings, we recommend providing the necessary openings in the
shell of the house. By making openings, e.g., in the brickwork, with the dimensions 232 mm x
232 mm, a subsequent core drilling can be avoided.
Depending on the company and tool inventory, core drilling can be more
economical, particularly in Germany.