2.5.3. Placement of the Ventilation Unit
Ventilation units of Ventoxx Company product line can be used almost in any room with exterior
wall. Due to the pendulum fan principle, the devices must be operated in pairs. The respective
mounting area should be here determined by a licensed professional planner.
Ventoxx Company will be pleased to
provide a preliminary design (under
request. When placing in the room
complies with the relevant legal
regulations and norms, the following
planning principles should be taken
into account:
Mounting height:
Ventoxx devices should be mounted in normal living rooms near
the ceiling if possible, as our experience shows that it simplifies embarrassing cable
feed and ensures a better flow of air in the room.
Distance between units
should not be less than 2 m.
Distance from the door:
to ensure optimum room air flow, locate the device in the
furthest possible distance from the door provided that the second unit is located in
another room and possibly an intermediate room is used as an overflow chamber.
Removal of the inner panel:
make sure that the selected installation site allows
unproblematic removal of the inner cover. For this, the opening must be at least 15
cm from the wall and the ceiling.
Pairwise operation
: Ventoxx ventilation units should work in pairs in order to achieve
the most optimal air circulation. For proper operation of the ventilation system, free
air passage through the rooms from one device to the other must be enabled. For all
room doors either ventilation grille or a bypass (at least 5 mm) must be provided. The
room doors may not be closed airtight; otherwise the ventilation system will not work
properly as a flow between the devices cannot be guaranteed.
Mounting above the beds:
we recommend refraining from installation of units
directly above the beds because a slight breeze can be felt while sleeping.