DVR User Guide
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A2-1 Network installation and setup
A2-1-1 Connecting to internet through a Cable modem
Place the cursor at DHCP MODE and press ENTER to switch the DHCP MODE to [AUTOMATIC]. Then,
move the cursor over [DETECT IP] and press ENTER to detect IP. DVR will automatically get the IP
ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, and GATEWAY from the Cable Modem and shows the IP information on the
Press MENU and go back to the previous setup page, [TP/IP SETUP]. Go to [IP SETUP] to set up the port
number. You can either use the default port number or assign a new one.
A2-1-2 Connecting to internet through ADSL
First, identify if you have Static IP or Dynamic IP service. If you do not know, ask your ISP (Internet Service
Provider). If you have Static IP, your ISP should provide you a static IP address, which will never change
even when you reboot your modem.
With Static IP
Enter the IP address, gateway, subnet mask provided by your ISP. Then, assign a port number to the DVR,
or you can use the default one as well.
If you find that you cannot enter or change any addresses, check if DHCP is set to Automatic. Press MENU
to go back to the previous page, [TCP/IP Setup], and then enter [IP SETUP]. Select DHCP MODE and
press ENTER to switch DHCP to MANUAL