Vac Sensor Installation
Field Assembling Vac Sensor/Vac Float modules
elbow into the other port of each Vac Float. Orient elbow and valves in Vac Floats as shown in Figure 2-4 then
tighten nuts to secure the fittings.
6. Get the angled support brackets from each Vac Float kit. Depending on the Vac Float’s position in the housing,
orient the bracket so that when you slip the large hole in the front of the bracket over the valve handle, the two
holes in the side of the bracket are in line with the two holes in the side of the Vac Float body as shown in
Figure 2-3. Secure the Vac Float assembly to the housing using two #10 x 1/2” self-tapping screws which
screw into the two holes in the side of the Vac Float.
Figure 2-3.- Attaching Four Vac Sensors/floats To The Housing
7. Get barbed elbows, tapered bushings and cord grip nuts (1 each for each Vac Sensor) from the secondary
piping vacuum monitoring kits. Insert a tapered bushing and barbed elbow in the bottom port labeled VAC
TEST (embossed on cover) of one of the Vac Sensors. Orient the elbows as shown in the Figure 2-4, then
tighten the cord grip nut.
8. From the kit’s 1/4” tubing, cut a piece of the 1/4” tubing and connect the VAC TEST port in one of the Vac
Sensors to the rear elbow fitting in one of the Vac Floats (preferably the one under it). Keep the connection kink
free and as short as possible (see Figure 2-4). Repeat this procedure for each additional Vac Sensor/Vac Float
pair. Skip to Step 10.
9. If the tank interstice is monitored, get a barbed elbow, tapered bushing and cord grip nut (1 each) from the Vac
Sensor tank interstice monitoring kit. Insert a tapered bushing and barbed elbow into the bottom port labeled
VAC TEST (embossed on cover) of the Vac Sensor without a Vac Float. Orient the elbow as shown in the
Figure 2-5, then tighten the cord grip nut.
10.Get the barbed tees, tapered bushings, cord grip nuts and one barbed elbow from the vacuum monitoring kits.
11.Looking at the front of the Vac Sensor housing, insert the elbow in the side vacuum port bushing labeled ‘STP
Siphon’ (on the Vac Sensor cover) in the Vac Sensor closest to the side of the housing. Orient the elbow so
that the open half is horizontal and pointing to the other Vac Sensors (see Figure 2-6). Insert a tee in the same
vacuum port in each of the other Vac Sensors. Orient the tees in the horizontal position, except the Vac Sensor
closest to the other side of the Vac Sensor housing. Remove this tee and orient it so that one end points
(2) #10 x 1/2" self-tapping
screws (typ. ea. valve/vac
float ass'y.)
#10 x 3/8" self-tapping screws
(2 each Vac Sensor)
Vac Sensor
housing - back
Vac Sensor housing - front
Vac Sensor - STP
Siphon port (typ.)
Left hand ass'y
Right hand ass'y