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LAF 31


Trouble shooting

The unit does not operate:

•  Is the unit plugged in?

•  Is the room temperature below 8°C or 

above 32°C?  If so, then it is out of the 

working range of the unit.

•  Ensure the ON/OFF switch is turned 


•  Check that the water tank is positioned 

properly in the unit and that it is not 


•  Make sure the air inlet and outlet are 

not obstructed.

The unit produces little or no water:

•  Is the filter dusty, contaminated ?

•  Is the air intake or outlet blocked up?

•  Is the room humidity already quite 


Technical specification


LAF 30

Operating humidity range

 % RH


Operating temp. range


 +8  -  +32

Power supply


 220V - 240V~, 50 Hz




Max. power consumption


 500W / 2,2A

Dehumidification test condition at 20°C, 60% RH

  l / 24 h


Dehumidification test condition at 30°C, 80% RH

  l / 24 h






Sound level* low/high speed

 dB (A)

 47 / 51

Air flow rate low/high speed




 200 / 280

Volume of water tank



Degree of protection


Net Weight



Size length



Size width



Size height



* Measured at a distance of 3 m from the unit.

This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed with other household wastes throughout the EU.  

To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it responsibly 

to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. To return your used device, please use the return and collection 

systems or contact the retailer where the product was purchased. 

The unit does not dehimidify the air:

•  Are too many windows or doors open?

•  Is there something in the room produc­

ing lots of humidity?

The unit is too noisy:

•  Check whether the unit is standing on 

an even surface.


The unit is leaking:

•  Make sure the drain hole under the 

evaporator isn´t clogged.

•  Make sure the condensate collecting 

container isn´t broken. 

•  If you are using continuous drainage, 

check that the hose is installed cor­

rectly and that the water drains away 


Содержание LAF 31

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Страница 9: ...ha en inre diameter p 12 mm denna slang medf ljer ej 4 F rs kra dig om att vattnet rinner fritt och att slangen sitter kvar p r tt plats OBS Avloppsslangen skall dras i omgivningstemperaturer s att de...

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Страница 15: the manufacturer its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard The appliance shall be disconnected from its power source during maintenance Ensure the unit is far awa...

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Страница 20: ...meter p 12 mm denna slang medf ljer ej 4 F rs kra dig om att vattnet rinner fritt och att slangen sitter kvar p r tt plats OBS Avloppsslangen skall dras i omgivningstemperaturer s att det inte finns r...

Страница 21: ...ow high speed m3 h 200 280 Volume of water tank l 6 2 Degree of protection IPX4 Net Weight kg 18 5 Size length mm 337 Size width mm 327 Size height mm 528 Measured at a distance of 3 m from the unit T...

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Страница 31: medf ljer ej 4 F rs kra dig om att vattnet rinner fritt och att slangen sitter kvar p r tt plats OBS Avloppsslangen skall dras i omgivningstemperaturer s att det inte finns risk f r att vattnet fry...

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Страница 35: ...LAF 31 35...

Страница 36: ...tents of this manual without prior notice 36 VEAB Heat Tech AB Stattenav gen 50 S 281 33 H ssleholm SWEDEN Delivery adress ngdalav gen 4 Org no F skatt 556138 3166 VAT no SE556138316601 Postal Cheque...
