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Deres VDO garanti

Tak - fordi De har købt et VDO produkt.

VDO yder 24 måneders reklamationsret på alle
VDO-mærkede varer, købt som forbrugerelektronik
i et af de pågældende lande.Reklamationsretten
omfatter reservedele og arbejdsløn.Ordningen re-
spekterer fortsat de nationale VDO-organisationers
og handelspartneres aftaler mellem forbruger og
Reklamationsretten gælder i 24 måneder fra
købsdato, forudsat at produktet er anvendt efter
formålet og at brugervejledningens anvisninger er
fulgt. Endvidere skal der kunne fremvises doku-
mentation i form af original faktura eller kassebon,
påtrykt købsdato og forhandlernavn samt angivelse
af typenummer.
VDO's forpligtelser bortfalder i tilfælde af...

• der er foretaget rettelser i ovennævnte doku-

mentation eller den er ulæselig.

• type- eller serienummer er rettet, overstreget,

fjernet eller ulæseligt.

• reparation er forsøgt udført af uautoriseret

firma eller person.

• produktet hændeligt er beskadiget af f.eks. lyn,

vand, ild, fejlbetjening eller fejlagtig brug.

• modifikation er påkrævet med henblik på ibrug-

tagning af produktet i andre lande end det
land, hvortil det er produceret, godkendt og/el-
ler autoriseret, -eller skader er påført produktet
som følge af omtalte modifikation.

Såfremt Deres VDO-produkt ikke virker efter hen-
sigten, bedes De venligst kontakte Deres VDO-for-
handler eller et autoriseret værksted. For at undgå
unødig ulejlighed bedes De ligeledes først læse
brugervejledningen omhyggeligt igennem, før De
kontakter Deres forhandler eller serviceværksted.
Har De tvivlsspørgsmål hertil eller ønsker De blot
information om andre VDO-produkter, er De vel-
kommen til at ringe til:

VDO Car Communication Nordic AB

Telefon : 33 29 35 71
Telefax : 33 29 39 27
Hverdage 09:00 - 16:00


Ihre VDO Garantie

Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde,

Sie haben sich für den Kauf eines Gerätes von VDO
entschieden. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Vertrauen.
Unsere Mitarbeiter haben alles daran gesetzt,
Ihnen hervorragende Qualität zu bieten.
Gleichwohl kann es in Einzelfällen einmal Grund zu
Beanstandungen geben. Deshalb bietet VDO Ihnen
nach Ihrer Wahl - zusätzlich zu Ihren Gewährlei-
stungsansprüchen gegenüber Ihrem Verkäufer -
Garantie zu den nachfolgenden Bedingungen:
Innerhalb einer Garantiezeit von 24 Monaten ab
Kaufdatum werden alle Produkte von VDO, die in
Ländern gekauft worden sind in denen VDO autori-
sierte Wiederverkäufer hat, in diesen Ländern ohne
Lohn- und Materialkostenberechnung repariert.
Voraussetzung für die Erbringung der Garantielei-
stung ist ein von uns anerkannter garantiepflichti-
ger Mangel sowie die Vorlage des Kaufbeleges, auf
dem das Kaufdatum und der Name des Händlers
sowie die Typen- und Seriennummer des Gerätes
vermerkt sind.
Von der VDO Garantie ausgeschlossen sind:

• Fehler, die durch nicht bestimmungsgemäßen

Gebrauch sowie infolge Nichtbeachtung der
Gebrauchsanweisung entstanden sind.

Die VDO Garantie entfällt außerdem,

• wenn die o.g. Dokumente geändert oder unles-

bar gemacht worden sind,

• wenn Eingriffe oder Änderungen am Gerät vor-

genommen worden sind,

• wenn die Typen- oder Seriennummer auf dem

Gerät verändert, beseitigt oder unleserlich ge-
macht worden ist,

• bei Außeneinwirkungen (Blitz, Feuer, Wasser


Durch die Inanspruchnahme der Garantieurkunde
wird die Garantiezeit weder verlängert noch wird
eine neue Garantiefrist für das Produkt in Kraft ge-
Wenn Sie die Garantieleistung nutzen wollen, wen-
den Sie sich bitte an Ihren VDO Händler oder an
eine von VDO autorisierte Werkstatt / Annahme-
In Ihrem Interesse bitten wir Sie, die Bedienungs-
anleitung Ihres Gerätes sorgfältig zu lesen, um un-
nötige Beanstandungen zu vermeiden.
Falls Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich
bitte an:

VDO Car Communication Germany GmbH

Customer Help Desk

Philipsstraße 1
35573 Wetzlar
Tel.: (49) 06441 - 370 674
Fax: (49) 06441 - 370 650
E-Mail: [email protected]


Ç åããýçóÞ óáò PHILIPS (VDO)

ÁãáðçôÝ ÊáôáíáëùôÞ,
Ó’ åõ÷áñéóôïýìå ðïõ áãüñáóåò áõôü ôï ðñïúüí


Ç PHILIPS åããõÜôáé íá ðáñÝ÷åé äùñåÜí

åðéóêåõÞ êáé áíôéêáôÜóôáóç åîáñôçìÜôùí óå

ïðïéáäÞðïôå ÷þñá üðïõ ç PHILIPS Ý÷åé

åîïõóéïäïôçìÝíïõò ôå÷íéêïýò ãéá üóá

åðéóêåõÜóéìá çëåêôñïíéêÜ ðñïúüíôá ôçò

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H åããýçóç áõôÞ åîáêïëïõèåß í’ áíáãíùñßæåé ôéò

åõèýíåò ðñïò ôïí êáôáíáëùôÞ, ðïõ Ý÷åé ç

PHILIPS êáé ïé óõíåñãÜôåò ôçò, óå Åèíéêü


Ôá ðéü ðÜíù éó÷ýïõí ãéá ðåñßïäï 24 ìçíþí

áðï ôçí çìåñïìçíßá áãïñÜò, áñêåß ôï ðñïúüí

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÷ñÞóåþò ôïõ. Ç åããýçóç Ý÷åé éó÷ý ìå ôçí

åðßäåéîç ôïõ ôéìïëïãßïõ Þ ôçò áðïäåßîåùò

ëéáíéêÞò ðùëÞóåùò ðïõ ðñÝðåé íá áíáöÝñïõí

ôçí çìåñïìçíßá áãïñÜò, ôï ïíïìáôåðþíõìï

ôïõ åìðüñïõ êáé ôïí ôýðï êáé ôïí áñéèìü

êáôáóêåõÞò ôïõ ðñïúüíôïò.

Ç åããýçóç PHILIPS äåí Ý÷åé éó÷ý üôáí:

ôá ðáñáóôáôéêÜ áãïñÜò Ý÷ïõí ôñïðïðïéçèåß

Þ ðáñáðïéçèåß êáè’ïéïíäÞðïôå ôñüðï.

ï ôýðïò êáé ï áñéèìüò êáôáóêåõÞò ôïõ

ðñïúüíôïò Ý÷ïõí ôñïðïðïéçèåß, óâçóôåß,

áðáëåéöèåß Þ áëëïéùèåß.

Ý÷åé ðñáãìáôïðïéçèåß åðéóêåõÞ (Þ

åðéóêåõÝò) áðï ôå÷íéêïýò îÝíïõò ðñïò ôçí


ç âëÜâç ðñïêëÞèçêå áðï áôý÷çìá, íåñü Þ

öùôéÜ, êåñáõíü, êáêïìåôá÷åßñéóç Þ áìÝëåéá.

ôï ðñïúüí ÷ñåéÜæåôáé ôñïðïðïßçóç Þ

ðñïóáñìïãÞ ãéá íá ëåéôïõñãåß óå

ïðïéáäÞðïôå ÷þñá äéáöïñåôéêÞ áð’ áõôÞí

ãéá ôçí ïðïßáí êáôáóêåõÜóôçêå, Þ áí

ðñïêëÞèçêáí ïðïéåóäÞðïôå æçìéÝò åî’

áéôßáò áõôþí ôùí ôñïðïðïéÞóåùí.

Óå ðåñßðôùóç ðïõ ôï ðñïúüí óáò PHILIPS äå

ëåéôïõñãåß óùóôÜ Þ Ý÷åé êÜðïéá âëÜâç,

ðáñáêáëïýìå åðéêïéíùíåßóôå ìå ôï êáôÜóôçìá

áð’ üðïõ ôï áãïñÜóáôå Þ ìå ôá êáôÜ ôüðïõò

SERVICE ôçò Åôáéñßáò. Ãéá ôçí áðïöõãÞ

Üóêïðçò ôáëáéðùñßáò óáò óõíéóôïýìå íá

äéáâÜóåôå ðñïóåêôéêÜ ôéò ïäçãßåò ÷ñÞóåùò,

ðñéí åðéêïéíùíÞóåôå ìå ôï êáôÜóôçìá ðïõ ôï

áãïñÜóáôå Þ ìå ôï SERVICE ôçò Åôáéñßáò óôá


(01) 4814 551-3: ãéá ôçí ÁèÞíá

(031) 542 208: ãéá ôç Èåóóáëïíßêç

Ãéá ïðïéåóäÞðïôå Üëëåò ðëçñïöïñßåò, ðïõ äåí

áöïñïýí ôï SERVICE, ðáñáêáëïýìå

áðåõèõíèåßôå óôï:

Autohellas S.A

3, P.Tsaldari & 7, Aristidou str.
Marousi 15122
Tel.: 0030 1 802 0777
Fax: 0030 1 612 9964
E-mail: [email protected]

Содержание MS 3100 -

Страница 1: ...bruiksaanwijzing en inbouwhandleiding Istruzioni d uso e d installazione Instrucciones de manejo y de montaje Bruksanvisning och monteringsanvisning Betjeningsvejledning og monteringsanvisning Owner s...

Страница 2: ...op het verkeer te letten en de handen aan het stuur te houden Op grond van voortdurend veranderende verkeerssituaties kan helaas geen 100 nauwkeurigheid onder alle omstandigheden worden gegarandeerd A...

Страница 3: ...3 NAVIGATION COMPUTER POWER PC 4000 1 2 3 4 5 6 A...

Страница 4: ...4...

Страница 5: en service Pagina 437 Nederlands Istruzioni d uso Pagina 199 Figure Pagine 3 444 445 Instruzioni per il montaggio Pagina 241 Garanzia e servizio Pagina 437 Italiano Instrucciones de manejo P gina 2...

Страница 6: ...6...

Страница 7: ...ions 22 Destination input by GPS co ordinates 23 VIAPOINTS 24 Entering viapoints 24 GUIDANCE 26 Guidance screen 26 Guidance advice 27 You ignored the last guidance advice 27 Areas with limited road at...

Страница 8: ...TRUCTIONS 49 System Overview On page 3 foldout page you can find an overview over the system components 1 Detachable LCD monitor A To remove the monitor it is essential to press the unlocking button 2...

Страница 9: ...gulations Watching the road is more important than watching the display A If the current traffic situation and the advice of the navigation system are in contradiction traffic regulations always have...

Страница 10: ...gyroscope a rotary measurement system The information from these sensors is however not always exact as the values can be affected by skidding of the wheels varying tyre pressure due to changes in te...

Страница 11: ...tized area The navigation system supposes the vehicle in an off road position If there are other roads in this area the system may send inappropriate messages This means that the navigation system sup...

Страница 12: ...ructed for a longer period In valleys and in mountainous regions However the navigation system is able to compensate reception problems over a period of a few minutes without functional interference I...

Страница 13: ...on the motorway signs The motorway signs refer to the distance to the beginning of the exit Areas with limited road attributes In some areas not all attributes of a road are available on the map CD Fo...

Страница 14: ...d by an infrared remote control Press the release keys at both sides of the holder to remove the remote control A Before driving off slide the remote control back into the holder until it clicks into...

Страница 15: ...alized and you can select the navigation functions options in highlighted letters Stand by mode If you do not wish to hear guidance advice you can set the navigation system to its stand by mode Select...

Страница 16: ...tically Except for in the main control menu the menu title changes into the Quit option as soon as you move the cursor to the upper edge of the screen Confirm Quit with the OK key to exit the menu or...

Страница 17: ...the system compares the character sequence already entered with that of the database on the map CD If you have already entered one character you will note that only certain letters are still selectab...

Страница 18: often used as destinations and viapoints See page 35 Emergency This option opens the Emergency menu Here you get information about your present position and the geographical co ordinates GPS posit...

Страница 19: ...t from the main control menu The Destination input menu is shown The following options are available in the destination input menu New address To enter the country city road house number junction or a...

Страница 20: ...currently inserted Step 2 City The display automatically shows City and the typewriter menu the city name last entered is already given Simply confirm if you want to enter a destination within the gi...

Страница 21: ...rom the following four criteria Fastest prefers the fastest route Shortest prefers the shortest route Main roads prefers motorways for route planning No main roads avoids motorways for route planning...

Страница 22: ...s of the chosen category are available in the database the typewriter menu is shown If up to 5 facilities are stored the list is shown immediately Enter the name of the desired facility or select the...

Страница 23: ...tination input by GPS co ordinates If you know the GPS co ordinates of the destination you can enter them directly Select Destination input from the main control menu Select GPS co ordinates from the...

Страница 24: ...t input from the main control menu The Viapoint input menu is shown The following options are available in the Viapoint input menu New address To enter the country city road house number junction or a...

Страница 25: ...5 or page 29 Notes The maximum number of stored via points is 25 The viapoints are reached in the order of entry The route planning criterion selected for guidance to your destination address is autom...

Страница 26: ...route menu See page 34 6 Status field Possibility to display the following information Remaining travel distance Remaining travel time Estimated time of arrival Current time You can configure the stat...

Страница 27: ...t understand it during guidance Press the REP key on the remote control or Move the cursor to the icon 1 and press OK You hear the current guidance advice You ignored the last guidance advice If you...

Страница 28: ...advice again Areas with limited road attributes In some areas not all attributes of a road are available on the map CD For example the driving direction of a one way street or the information about t...

Страница 29: ...ollowing information screens are available i1 Car position Shows the current car position with country code city and road if available house number As soon as you are located beyond a digitised road t...

Страница 30: Resetting travel data Press OK Confirm the reset query with Yes All values of the travel data screen are set to zero Speed warning You can specify a speed limit at which a warning signal will be he...

Страница 31: ...obstructions are ahead on your planned route The following information is available Number and total amount of available i6 info screens obstructions Distance to the obstruction Length of the obstruc...

Страница 32: ...Repeating a TMC voice message Press the REP key on the remote control or select the icon 1 in the guidance screen and press OK You hear the actual guidance advice and the latest TMC announcement TMC...

Страница 33: ...selecting Yes if you wish to bypass the traffic obstruction The navigation system plans a detour within a few seconds Select No if you do not want to plan a detour Selecting the TMC information You ca...

Страница 34: ...ree with the displayed distance simply confirm with OK The display shows the guidance screen again The system plans an alternative route for the displayed distance Exit alternative route menu Place th...

Страница 35: ...on address you can display the list of viapoints and delete viapoints Store current loc To store the current car position in the address book Delete last dest To delete the 20 destinations last entere...

Страница 36: ...e deleted and confirm The selected address is deleted from the personal address book Deleting viapoints Select Delete viapoints from the Address Manager menu The list of stored viapoints is shown Sele...

Страница 37: ...osition of the vehicle evaluated by the Global Positioning System The degrees of longitude and latitude as well as the height above sea level sufficient GPS reception must be provided Car position Sho...

Страница 38: ...TMC traffic information used for dynamic guidance Volume To adjust the volume level of voice messages and to switch off audible guidance advice Language To load languages for acoustical advice and men...

Страница 39: ...ated route planning may take longer Therefore it is recommended to use this function only if it is necessary Speed In the Speed menu the following options are available Speed correction Place the curs...

Страница 40: ...on to be shown in the status field of the guidance screen Remaining dist on off and one of the following time indications Arrival time Remaining travel time Actual time No time display Traffic info on...

Страница 41: ...o replace one of the loaded languages with a different one from the supplied system software CD Select the language to be replaced You are prompted to insert the software CD Insert the VDO Dayton syst...

Страница 42: ...format Select between 12 hour format and 24 hour format Date format Select between day month year and month day year format Remote control Activate this option if you want to control the system with a...

Страница 43: ...ain The CD is ejected Take out the CD and gently insert the new map CD with the printed side facing up until it is retracted The system needs a few seconds for initialisation after changing the map CD...

Страница 44: ...facility by means of one of the options from the Special dest menu Press cursor key 6 to display the details of the travel guide information Scroll through the travel guide information of the selected...

Страница 45: ...that you remove the batteries from the remote control Cleaning of the remote control and the monitor Do not use lighter fluid methyl alcohol or other solvents for cleaning Only use a damp cloth Loadin...

Страница 46: ...the CD ROM Only Stand by can be selected in the main control menu after switching on the ignition Wait a few seconds until the system has initialized options appear in highlighted letters Guidance opt...

Страница 47: ...imated time of arrival is wrong in the guidance screen Check that the correct time zone in the System settings Date Time menu is set TMC icon in info screen i5 Traffic info is always coarsely shaded n...

Страница 48: ...48...

Страница 49: ...negative pole on car body Installation in unsuitable vehicles could result in malfunction damage or fire Checking the scope of delivery ill 1 1 Navigation computer with mounting sleeve and 2 mounting...

Страница 50: ...out tab at the right or left rear edge of the computer housing It must be ensured that the tab fully engages with the sheet metal of the computer housing 2 Swing the bracket forwards applying pressur...

Страница 51: ...ective paper from the lower side of the adhesive tape and place the monitor support onto mounting surface and press firmly Note Mounting temperature should be at least 15 degrees centigrade to ensure...

Страница 52: ...according to the connecting diagram and the table 2 Do not cut off unused cables Wind them together and tie them back They may be used later to install additional features Speedometer signal ISO conn...

Страница 53: ...ector Green plug C2 of the TMC extension optional middle part C2 of ISO connector C2 Blue plug C3 optional right chamber of ISO connector C3 6 Screw the rubber buffer onto the rear support stud of the...

Страница 54: ...i stereo clock Checking the navigation functions Check the following functions when the car is stationary Remote control Put remote control in the holder The keys on the remote control must light up G...

Страница 55: ...ler die durch nicht bestimmungsgem en Ge brauch sowie infolge Nichtbeachtung der Bedie nungsanleitung entstanden sind Die VDO Garantie entf llt au erdem wenn Eingriffe oder nderungen an dem Ger t von...

Страница 56: ...gesetzt Ihnen hervorragende Qualit t zu bieten Gleichwohl kann es in Einzelf llen einmal Grund zu Beanstandungen geben Deshalb bietet VDO Ihnen nach Ihrer Wahl zus tzlich zu Ihren Gew hrlei stungsans...

Страница 57: ayez utilis le produit conform ment sa destination et aux in structions du mode d emploi Pour la mise en uvre de cette garantie vous aurez pr senter votre factu re originale ou le ticket de caisse...

Страница 58: ...nderungen am Ger t vorge nommen worden sind wenn die Typen oder Seriennummer auf dem Ge r t ver ndert beseitigt oder unleserlich gemacht worden ist bei Au eneinwirkungen Blitz Feuer Wasser u Durch di...

Страница 59: ...n est pas valable lorsque les documents originaux ont t modifi s effac s ou sont illisibles le type et le num ro de s rie falsifi s effac s ou illisibles la r paration a t effectu e par des personnes...

Страница 60: ...tagandet g ller ej heller skada som uppkommit till f ljd av s dana modifikationer Om Er VDOprodukt inte fungerar korrekt eller r fel aktig ber vi Er kontakta n gon av VDO terf rs ljare eller Philips C...

Страница 61: ...ies where VDO does not distribute the product the local VDO service organization will attempt to provide service although there may be a delay if the appropriate spare parts and technical manual s are...

Страница 62: ...444 2 1 3...

Страница 63: ...445...

Страница 64: ...bruiksaanwijzing en inbouwhandleiding Istruzioni d uso e d installazione Instrucciones de manejo y de montaje Bruksanvisning och monteringsanvisning Betjeningsvejledning og monteringsanvisning Owner s...
