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Inden de tager Deres VDO produkt i
brug, - læs venligst dette...

Tak - fordi De har købt et VDO produkt.

VDO yder 24 måneders reklamationsret på alle
VDO-mærkede varer, købt som forbrugerelektronik
i et af de pågældende lande.Reklamationsretten
omfatter reservedele og arbejdsløn.Ordningen re-
spekterer fortsat de nationale VDO-organisationers
og handelspartneres aftaler mellem forbruger og
Reklamationsretten gælder i 24 måneder fra
købsdato, forudsat at produktet er anvendt efter
formålet og at brugervejledningens anvisninger er
fulgt. Endvidere skal der kunne fremvises

dokumentation i form af original faktura eller kas-
sebon, påtrykt købsdato og forhandlernavn samt
angivelse af typenummer.
VDO's forpligtelser bortfalder i tilfælde af...

• der er foretaget rettelser i ovennævnte doku-

mentation eller den er ulæselig.

• type- eller serienummer er rettet, overstreget,

fjernet eller ulæseligt.

• reparation er forsøgt udført af uautoriseret firma

eller person.

• produktet hændeligt er beskadiget af f.eks. lyn,

vand, ild, fejlbetjening eller fejlagtig brug.

• modifikation er påkrævet med henblik på ibrug-

tagning af produktet i andre lande end det land,
hvortil det er produceret, godkendt og/eller au-
toriseret, -eller skader er påført produktet som
følge af omtalte modifikation.

Såfremt Deres VD O-produkt ikke virker efter hen-
sigten, bedes De venligst kontakte Deres VDO-
forhandler eller et autoriseret værksted. For at und-
gå unødig ulejlighed bedes De ligeledes først læse
brugervejledningen omhyggeligt igennem, før De
kontakter Deres forhandler eller serviceværksted.
Har De tvivlsspørgsmål hertil eller ønsker De blot in-
formation om andre Philips-produkter, er De vel-
kommen til at ringe til:

VDO Helpdesk

Telefon : 33 29 35 71
Telefax : 33 29 39 27
Hverdage 09:00 - 16:00

VDO Car Communication Nordic

Sydhavensgade 23
17500 København V


Ihre VDO Garantie

Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde,

Sie haben sich für den Kauf eines Gerätes von VDO
entschieden. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Vertrauen.
Unsere Mitarbeiter haben alles daran gesetzt, Ihnen
hervorragende Qualität zu bieten.
Gleichwohl kann es in Einzelfällen einmal Grund zu
Beanstandungen geben. Deshalb bietet VDO Ihnen
nach Ihrer Wahl - zusätzlich zu Ihren Gewährlei-
stungsansprüchen gegenüber Ihrem Verkäufer -
Garantie zu den nachfolgenden Bedingungen:
Innerhalb einer Garantiezeit von 24 Monaten ab
Kaufdatum werden alle Produkte von VDO, die in
Ländern gekauft worden sind in denen VDO autori-
sierte Wiederverkäufer hat, in diesen Ländern ohne
Lohn- und Materialkostenberechnung repariert.
Voraussetzung für die Erbringung der Garantielei-
stung ist ein von uns anerkannter garantiepflichti-
ger Mangel sowie die Vorlage des Kaufbeleges, auf
dem das Kaufdatum und der Name des Händlers
sowie die Typen- und Seriennummer des Gerätes
vermerkt sind.
Von der VDO Garantie ausgeschlossen sind:

• Fehler, die durch nicht bestimmungsgemäßen

Gebrauch sowie infolge Nichtbeachtung der
Gebrauchsanweisung entstanden sind.

Die VDO Garantie entfällt außerdem,

• wenn die o.g. Dokumente geändert oder unles-

bar gemacht worden sind,

• wenn Eingriffe oder Änderungen am Gerät vor-

genommen worden sind,

• wenn die Typen- oder Seriennummer auf dem

Gerät verändert, beseitigt oder unleserlich ge-
macht worden ist,

• bei Außeneinwirkungen (Blitz, Feuer, Wasser


Durch die Inanspruchnahme der Garantieurkunde
wird die Garantiezeit weder verlängert noch wird
eine neue Garantiefrist für das Produkt in Kraft ge-
Wenn Sie die Garantieleistung nutzen wollen, wen-
den Sie sich bitte an Ihren VDO Händler oder an
eine von VDO autorisierte Werkstatt / Annahme-
In Ihrem Interesse bitten wir Sie, die Bedienungsan-
leitung Ihres Gerätes sorgfältig zu lesen, um unnöti-
ge Beanstandungen zu vermeiden.
Falls Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich
bitte an:

VDO Car Communication

Customer Desk
Philipsstraße 1

35573 Wetzlar
Tel.: 06441/370-674
Fax: 06441/370-690


Ç åããýçóÞ óáò PHILIPS (VDO)

ÁãáðçôÝ ÊáôáíáëùôÞ,
Ó’ åõ÷áñéóôïýìå ðïõ áãüñáóåò áõôü ôï

ðñïúüí ôçò PHILIPS.

Ç PHILIPS åããõÜôáé íá ðáñÝ÷åé äùñåÜí

åðéóêåõÞ êáé áíôéêáôÜóôáóç åîáñôçìÜôùí óå

ïðïéáäÞðïôå ÷þñá üðïõ ç PHILIPS Ý÷åé

åîïõóéïäïôçìÝíïõò ôå÷íéêïýò ãéá üóá

åðéóêåõÜóéìá çëåêôñïíéêÜ ðñïúüíôá ôçò

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ôéò åõèýíåò ðñïò ôïí êáôáíáëùôÞ, ðïõ Ý÷åé ç

PHILIPS êáé ïé óõíåñãÜôåò ôçò, óå Åèíéêü


Ôá ðéü ðÜíù éó÷ýïõí ãéá ðåñßïäï 24 ìçíþí

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êáé ôïí áñéèìü êáôáóêåõÞò ôïõ ðñïúüíôïò.

Ç åããýçóç PHILIPS äåí Ý÷åé éó÷ý üôáí:

ôá ðáñáóôáôéêÜ áãïñÜò Ý÷ïõí

ôñïðïðïéçèåß Þ ðáñáðïéçèåß

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ðñïúüíôïò Ý÷ïõí ôñïðïðïéçèåß, óâçóôåß,

áðáëåéöèåß Þ áëëïéùèåß.

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åðéóêåõÝò) áðï ôå÷íéêïýò îÝíïõò ðñïò ôçí


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Óå ðåñßðôùóç ðïõ ôï ðñïúüí óáò PHILIPS äå

ëåéôïõñãåß óùóôÜ Þ Ý÷åé êÜðïéá âëÜâç,

ðáñáêáëïýìå åðéêïéíùíåßóôå ìå ôï êáôÜóôçìá

áð’ üðïõ ôï áãïñÜóáôå Þ ìå ôá êáôÜ ôüðïõò

SERVICE ôçò Åôáéñßáò. Ãéá ôçí áðïöõãÞ

Üóêïðçò ôáëáéðùñßáò óáò óõíéóôïýìå íá

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áãïñÜóáôå Þ ìå ôï SERVICE ôçò Åôáéñßáò óôá


(01) 4814 551-3: ãéá ôçí ÁèÞíá

(031) 542 208: ãéá ôç Èåóóáëïíßêç

Ãéá ïðïéåóäÞðïôå Üëëåò ðëçñïöïñßåò, ðïõ

äåí áöïñïýí ôï SERVICE, ðáñáêáëïýìå

áðåõèõíèåßôå óôï:



25çò ÌÁÑÔÉÏÕ 15,

177 78 ÔÁÕÑÏÓ


Tçë.: (01) 48 94 301

Fax: (01) 48 94 344



























Dienstag, 7. September 1999 15:56:39

Farbprofil: Deaktiviert
Komposit  Standardbildschirm

Содержание MS 3000 - USE

Страница 1: ...MS 3000 User manual English Bedienungsanleitung Istruzioni d uso 3112 316 0856 1 9361608561 8 99 ri Deutsch Italiano 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100...

Страница 2: ...zu lassen Aufgrund sich st ndig ndernder Verkehrsf hrungen kann leider keine 100 ige Genauigkeit unter allen Umst nden gew hrleistet werden Attenzione Usare questo sistema solo se il traffico lo ammet...

Страница 3: ...MPUTER PC 3000 1 3 2 4 5 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 D LOB AM 22sy330 00 3112_316_0856_1_layout2 vp Donnerstag 9 September 1999 10 42 35 Farbprofil Deaktiviert...

Страница 4: ...g 4 Halter f r Fernbedienung mit Anschlu an Navigationsrechner Zum Entriegeln Tasten links und rechts dr cken 5 CD auswerfen Bei ausgeschalteter Z ndung Taste zweimal dr cken Panoramica del sistema 1...

Страница 5: ...anzia e servizio Pagina 118 Operating instructions Page 7 Illustrations Page 3 Guarantee and service Page 118 English Deutsch Italiano 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 1...

Страница 6: ...ddress 16 Special destinations 18 Tips for name entry 20 GUIDANCE 21 Guidance screen 21 Guidance advice 22 You ignored the last guidance advice 22 Guidance in partly digitized areas 23 Areas with limi...

Страница 7: ...he car battery has been disconnected the system may need up to 15 minutes for exact repositioning The car has to be situated outdoors and the system has to be switched on to receive data from the GPS...

Страница 8: ...act as the values can be affected by skidding of the wheels varying tyre pressure due to changes in temperature etc By comparison of these signals with the digitized map it is possible to correct any...

Страница 9: ...erference occurs over a distance of several kilometres GPS reception may be interrupted or interference could occur In between high buildings In multi storey car parks or garages in tunnels and under...

Страница 10: ...right select options 2 Cursor key downwards select options OK OK key confirm a selection Decrease voice volume of guidance advice Increase voice volume of guidance advice MENU Show Main Menu If you u...

Страница 11: The display is switched off and audible guidance advice is muted Press one of the cursor keys 4 6 8 2 or the OK key on the remote control to resume normal operation If the navigation system was...

Страница 12: ...riter further on in the manual To select a character place the cursor on the desired character by using the cursor keys 4 6 8 and 2 Confirm your selection by pressing the OK key on the remote control...

Страница 13: ...aining travel time the current car position and alternative route planning Stand by This option switches off the visual and acoustic guidance advice The navigation system remains active in the backgro...

Страница 14: ...screen It also gives you access to information screens and to alternative route planning Destination store To store destination addresses in a private database or to recall the last used destination a...

Страница 15: ...ity name using the typewriter or Select the icon and choose one of the database entries If more than one entry with the same name is stored in the database the cursor is automatically placed on the ic...

Страница 16: ...all usually for small cities towns and villages the list of junctions is shown automatically Entering the city only If you want to be guided to the city boundaries proceed as follows Enter the city na...

Страница 17: ...CENTRE is available If you choose this option the navigation system will guide you to the centre of the city or village Select the desired category for example HOTEL PETROL STATION If more than five...

Страница 18: ...ecifying the special facilities is presented Select the desired category A list of special facilities situated around the current car position is presented Continue as described on page 16 Note A list...

Страница 19: ...xists several times in the specified city a list of all village names is presented where these roads are situated Different ways of data entry When entering city or road names with more than one word...

Страница 20: ...ssage guidance advice 5 Return Return to the main menu 6 With optional TMC extension As soon as traffic information is received by the Traffic Message Channel TMC and an obstruction is ahead on your r...

Страница 21: ...Move the cursor to the menu option Repeat and confirm your selection You hear the current guidance advice You ignored the last guidance advice If you didn t follow the last guidance advice or it is n...

Страница 22: ...oad are available on the map CD For example the driving direction of a one way street or the information about the prohibition of entry of a pedestrian precinct may be missing If you are entering this...

Страница 23: ...s the calculated geographical position received by the Global Positioning System In addition the number of received satellites is shown With a clear view of the sky the number of received satellites v...

Страница 24: ...truction Type of obstruction for example roadwork traffic jam closed road Length of the obstruction When you are within the traffic obstruction Distance you have already driven within the obstruction...

Страница 25: ...on the remote control or select Repeat in the guidance screen You hear the actual guidance advice and the latest TMC announcement TMC traffic information in the guidance screen If a traffic obstructio...

Страница 26: ...a few seconds Select No if you do not want to plan a detour Selecting the TMC information You can select which kind of TMC events are are taken into consideration for guidance Select Settings from th...

Страница 27: ...plans an alternative route for the displayed distance The display shows the guidance screen again Exit alternative route menu Push one of the cursor keys 8 or 2 until the desired information screen o...

Страница 28: ...he address book Store current loc To store the current car position in the destination store Delete address To delete an entry from the address book Delete last dest To delete the 10 destinations last...

Страница 29: ...Enter any character string of up to 10 characters with the typewriter Confirm your entry by selecting OK If you don t want to assign a name directly select Store address Select Store address Now the a...

Страница 30: memory for new addresses Select Delete address from the destination store menu The list of stored addresses is shown Select the address to be deleted and confirm by pressing the OK key The select...

Страница 31: ...ynamic guidance and to select the TMC traffic information used for dynamic guidance Language To load languages for acoustical advice and menu text from a separate language CD Measuring units To select...

Страница 32: ...Now the system is relocated to your actual car position Display For overhead mounting of the display it is possible to rotate the display contents 180 degrees Select the Display option from the System...

Страница 33: ...route The icon for the selected criterion is shown in the information screen i5 Current settings Furthermore you have the opportunity to minimize the use of toll routes If you do not want the navigati...

Страница 34: ...e CD Insert a suitable VDO Dayton language CD in the navigation computer Follow the instructions given by the system to load other languages Measuring units Select the Measuring units option from the...

Страница 35: increasing the volume level of guidance advice depending on the car s speed You can select between 5 different SDVC settings OFF off 4 maximum increase Move the cursor to the Mode value Push the O...

Страница 36: ...tialisation after changing the map CD Notes Only use genuine VDO Dayton map CDs These map CDs are exclusively designed for use with the VDO Dayton Navigation System and they are only readable by a VDO...

Страница 37: ...cted facility is shown Scroll through the travel guide information of the selected facility by using the cursor keys 8 or 2 If you want to store this facility as the next destination for guidance Move...

Страница 38: ...ty marked in the compartment Close the battery compartment Notes a In many countries exhausted batteries may not be disposed of with your household waste Please determine how to dispose of exhausted b...

Страница 39: ...n Wait a few seconds until the system has initialized options appear in highlighted letters Number of received satellites in info screen i3 GPS Position is zero Make sure the GPS aerial is not covered...

Страница 40: ...ion to any problem you may encounter contact an authorized VDO Dayton dealer or call our customer help desk G 01 869 320 333 If you still have to send your set for service always send the complete set...

Страница 41: a detour 1 2 Menu option Destination store i1 Car position Route list Route selection Special dest i2 Destination Language Menu Menu option 1 2 only if TMC extension is connected only if informatio...

Страница 42: ...m wenn Eingriffe oder nderungen an dem Ger t von Personen vorgenommen worden sind die hierzu nicht befugt sind wenn die Typen oder Seriennummer auf dem Ger t ver ndert beseitigt oder unleserlich ge ma...

Страница 43: ...eiter haben alles daran gesetzt Ihnen hervorragende Qualit t zu bieten Gleichwohl kann es in Einzelf llen einmal Grund zu Beanstandungen geben Deshalb bietet VDO Ihnen nach Ihrer Wahl zus tzlich zu Ih...

Страница 44: destination et aux instructions du mode d emploi Pour la mise en uvre de cette garantie vous aurez pr senter vo tre facture originale ou le ticket de caisse pr cisant la date d achat et le nom de v...

Страница 45: ...riennummer auf dem Ger t ver ndert beseitigt oder unleserlich ge macht worden ist bei Au eneinwirkungen Blitz Feuer Wasser u Durch die Inanspruchnahme der Garantieurkunde wird die Garantiezeit weder v...

Страница 46: ...bles le type et le num ro de s rie falsifi s effac s ou illisibles la r paration a t effectu e par des personnes ou des services non agr es par VDO les d g ts sont d s des causes ext rieures tel les q...

Страница 47: ...Er kontakta n gon av VDO terf rs lja re eller Philips Car Systems service Isyfte att bespara Er ett on digt bes k hos terf rs ljaren el ler serviceverkstaden ber vi Er v nligen att dessf rinnan l sa...

Страница 48: ...ce although there may be a delay if the appro priate spare parts and technical manual s are not readily available Please keep your sales receipt or other document showing proof of purchase Attach it t...

Страница 49: ...MA 1 DEL D M 28 AGOSTO 1995 N 548 FATTO A WETZLAR IL 31 08 1999 VDO Car Communication Philipsstrasse 1 35576 Wetzlar Germany 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 D LOB A...

Страница 50: ...MS 3000 User manual English Bedienungsanleitung Istruzioni d uso 3112 316 0856 1 9361608561 8 99 ri Deutsch Italiano 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100...
