Series 010
Edition 2014-07-31
Replacement of gate
1. Close the valve.
2. Vent chambers on either side to atmospheric pressure.
3. Remove bonnet screws (64); see «Figure 6-1» on page 15.
4. Withdraw actuator / mechanism unit carefully from body; see «Figure 6-1» on page 15.
Do not touch the body wall.
Tool (remove pin; borehole 1)
Tool (insert pin; borehole 2)
Orientation slot opening
Figure 6-2
5. The pin (65) is removed by using borehole 1 from tool (57); see «Figure 6-2».
6. Clamp the shaft by means of tool (57) according drawing; see «Figure 6-2».
7. Make sure that the tool is clamped with borehole 1 onto the shaft before removing pin;
see «Figure 6-2».
8. Remove pin (65) using a 3 mm punch tool.
9. Release tool (57) from shaft.
10. Exchange the gate maintaining the correct orientation.
11. The pin (65) is inserted by using borehole 2 from tool (57); see «Figure 6-2».
12. Clamp the shaft by means of tool (57) according drawing; see «Figure 6-2».
13. Insert new pin (65) into borehole 2 from tool (57) and make sure that the slot opening of
the pin is in the direction of the gate /actuator. An incorrect orientated pin may result in
a damage of the valve; see «Figure 6-2».