aXsGUARD Identifier Product Guide v1.5
1) Creating a loop in the replication setup is not supported. An aXsGUARD Identifier already
included in a replication setup cannot be configured as a replication target for another
aXsGUARD Identifier.
2) A third aXsGUARD Identifier cannot be configured as a source when added to a replication
setup where two aXsGUARD Identifiers are already replicating. The wizard autodetects that an
aXsGUARD Identifier is already replicating and defines this aXsGUARD Identifier as the source.
The new aXsGUARD Identifier being added to the replication setup must be defined as a target.
Replication and Firewalls
Replication and replication setup between two or more aXsGUARD Identifiers is performed using three separate
TCP connections:
replicating audit data
replicating configuration and runtime data
one-time replication setup using the Configuration Wizard
These connections need to be permitted if replicating aXsGUARD Identifiers are separated by a company firewall.
For more information on the exact ports used, please see the
aXsGUARD Identifier Administration Reference Guide
Replication Process
Queuing and Sending
Writing a data update to the replication queue (creating a replication entry) and sending a replication entry to
another aXsGUARD Identifier are two separate processes:
Writing to the replication queue: the process which writes to the replication queue is run before any data
changes are committed to the database. If the data change cannot be written to the replication queue – usually
because the replication queue file has exceeded the maximum size allowed – the data change is not
committed to the database.
Sending a replication queue entry: this process sends replication entries from a replication queue to the
required aXsGUARD Identifier. If the target aXsGUARD Identifier cannot write the change to its database, it
returns a failure message. The aXsGUARD Identifier is configured to retry automatically.
2009 VASCO Data Security