background image



87-900-852-01 (B)



Make all vacuum manifold and electrical connections and
refer to Turbo-V pump instruction manual before to
operating the Turbo-V controller.


To avoid injury to personnel and damage to the
equipment, if the pump is laying on a table make sure it
is steady. Never operate the Turbo-V pump if the pump
inlet is not connected to the system or blanked off.


The input signal P1 connector should be left in position
including the shipping links if no external connections
are made. The forepump and the Turbo-V pump can be
switched on at the same time.


When the Turbo-V 250 pump is baked by a membrane
pump, the Soft Start mode should be deselected.


The following instructions are applicable to
Turbo-V 250 Controller model 969-9425 only when the
optional “hand hedl terminal” is installed.


  Plug the controller power cable into a suitable

power source.

  The display lights, and shows:







The controller with the Soft Start mode allows the
pump to ramp-up to Normal speed slowly with a
minimum ramp-up time of 210 seconds and a
maximum of about 45 minutes.
The Soft Start mode is always operative as default
mode. If it is necessary to deselect this mode refer
to the following paragraph.
If the Soft Start mode is deselected, the ramp-up
will be done within 180 seconds and the display
changes as follows:








  Press the CURRENT pushbutton and the display







0 A



0 W











 = is the DC current drawn by the pump range (0.00

to 9.99 Ampere)



 = is the DC power drawn by the pump (range 0 to

999 Watt)



  = is the theoretical rotational speed of the

pump as a function of the controller output
frequency (range 3 to 56 KRPM)



= is the temperature of the outer ring of the

upper bearing (range 00 to 99 °C)


= during operation a selected set point condition

(1 or 2 contrast inverted) appears when the
programmed threshold speed value is not reached.


Содержание 969-9423


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Страница 3: ...Turbo V 250 Controllers ...

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Страница 6: ...HNICAL INFORMATION 49 TURBO V 250 CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION 49 CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS 50 CONTROLLER OUTLINE 50 INTERCONNECTIONS 52 Connection P1 Logic Input Interconnections 53 Connection J2 Logic Output Interconnections 54 Connection P6 Low Power Fan 55 Controller to Pump Connection 55 Connection J7 Accessories and Options Internconnections 56 RS 232 OPTION 56 RS 232 Installation 56 RS 232 Commun...

Страница 7: ...ection 61 Monitor Relay Programming 64 Starting the Pump 67 Operating the Pump 68 Low Speed Operation 68 Pump Shutdown 69 Power Failure 69 Remote Control Mode Operation 69 RS 232 Control Mode Operation 69 ACCESSORIES AND SPARE PARTS 70 OPTIONS 70 ...

Страница 8: ...lo attirano l attenzione dell operatore su una procedura o una pratica specifica che se non eseguita in modo corretto potrebbe provocare gravi lesioni personali ATTENZIONE I messaggi di attenzione sono visualizzati prima di procedure che se non osservate potrebbero causare danni all apparecchiatura NOTA Le note contengono informazioni importanti estrapolate dal testo IMMAGAZZINAMENTO Durante il tr...

Страница 9: ...edure operative Per ulteriori dettagli e per procedure che coinvolgono collegamenti o particolari opzionali fare riferimento al paragrafo Use dell appendice Technical Information Alcune delle istruzioni riportate nel seguito sono possibili sul controller modello 969 9425 solo se allo stesso è collegato l accessorio Hand held terminal Prima di usare il controller effettuare tutti i collegamenti ele...

Страница 10: ...Qualsiasi intervento deve essere eseguito da personale autorizzato 1 Connettore di ingresso dei segnali logici il connettore di accoppiamento viene fornito con l apposito ponticello di richiusura 2 Connettore di uscita dei segnali logici e di verifica della corrente della pompa 3 Connettore di uscita di potenza 24 Vcc per il ventilatore di raffreddamento pompa 4 Cavo pompa 5 Modulo di ingresso del...

Страница 11: 15 minuti X può valere da 0 a 9 ed indica il passo non superato Verificare che il sistema non presenti delle perdite Premere due volte il pulsante START per riavviare la pompa FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP La temperatura del cuscinetto superiore della pompa ha superato i 60 C Attendere che la temperatura ritorni al di sotto della soglia Premere due volte il pulsante START per riavviare la pompa FAULT CON...

Страница 12: ... Die Gefahrenhinweise lenken die Aufmerksamkeit des Bedieners auf eine bestimmte Prozedur oder Praktik die bei unkorrekter Ausführung schwere Verletzungen hervorrufen können ACHTUNG Die Warnhinweise vor bestimmten Prozeduren machen den Bediener darauf aufmerksam daß bei Nichteinhaltung Schäden an der Anlage entstehen können ANMERKUNG Die Anmerkungen enthalten wichtige Informationen ie aus dem Text...

Страница 13: ...en Betriebsvorgänge aufgeführt Für weitere Hinweise bezüglich Anschlüsse und Montage des bestellbaren Zubehörs siehe Kapitel Use im Anhang zu Technical Information Einige der nachstehenden Gebrauchshinweise lassen sich beim Controller Modell 969 9425 nur dann ausführen wenn das als Zubehör lieferbare mobile Taschenterminal handheld terminal angeschlossen ist Vor Benutzung des Controllers sämtliche...

Страница 14: V 250 sind wartungsfrei Eventuell erforderliche Eingriffe müssen von dazu befugtem Fachpersonal ausgeführt werden 1 Eingangsverbinder der logischen Signale der Kupplungs verbinder wird mit einer Wiederverschließbrücke geliefert 2 Ausgangsverbinder der logischen und Pumpenstrom kontrollsignale 3 Leistungsausgangsverbinder 24 VGs für den Pumpen kühlventilator 4 Pumpenkabel 5 Versorgungseingangsmo...

Страница 15: ...cht X kann 0 9 sein und zeigt den nicht überwundenen Schritt an Sicherstellen daß das System keine Leckagen aufweist Die Pumpe durch zweimalige Betätigung der START Taste neustarten FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP Die Temperatur des oberen Lagers bzw der Pumpe hat 60 C überschritten Warten bis die Temperatur unter den Schwellenwert gesunken ist Die Pumpe durch zweimalige Betätigung der START Taste neustarten ...

Страница 16: ...ants Les messages de danger attirent l attention de l opérateur sur une procédure ou une manoeuvre spéciale qui si elle n est pas effectuée correctement risque de provoquer de graves lésions ATTENTION Les message d attention apparaissent avant certaines procédures qui si elles ne sont pas observées pourraient endommager sérieusement l appareillage NOTE Les notes contiennent des renseignements impo...

Страница 17: ...nelles Pour tous autres détails et pour les procédures concernant des connexions ou des éléments en option se reporter au paragraphe Use de l appendice Technical Information Quelques unes des instructions données ci après ne sont possibles sur le contrôleur modèle 969 9425 que si l accessoire Hand held terminal est connecté à ce contrôleur Avant d utiliser le contrôleur effectuer toutes les connex...

Страница 18: ... exigent aucun entretien Toute opération doit être effectuée par un personnel agréé 1 Connecteur d entrée des signaux logiques le connecteur d enclenchement est doté de la barrette de réenclenchement spéciale 2 Connecteur de sortie des signaux logiques et de vérification du courant de la pompe 3 Connecteur de sortie de puissance 24 Vcc pour le ventilateur de refroidissement de la pompe 4 Câble de ...

Страница 19: ...loir de 0 à 9 et indique le pas non franchi S assurer que le systéme ne présente pas de fuites Presser deux fois l interrupteur START pour remettre la pompe en marche FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP La température du palier supérieur ou de la a dépassé 60 C Attendre que la température retourne au dessous du seuil Presser deux fois l interrupteur START pour remettre la pompe en marche FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMP...

Страница 20: ...sobre un procedimiento o una operación específica que al no realizarse correctamente podría provocar graves lesiones personales ATENCIÓN Los mensajes de atención se visualizan antes de procedimientos que al no respetarse podrían provocar daños al equipo NOTA Las notas contienen información importante extraída del texto ALMACENAMIENTO Durante el transporte y el almacenamiento de los controlers se d...

Страница 21: ... más detalles y para procedimientos que impliquen conexiones u opcionales especiales les remitimos al apartado Use del anexo Technical Information Algunas de las instrucciones citadas a continuación pueden realizarse en el Controler modelo 969 9425 sólo si al mismo va conectado el accesorio Hand held terminal Antes de usar el controler efectuar todas las conexiones eléctricas y neumáticas y consul...

Страница 22: operación ha de ser efectuada por personal autorizado 1 Conector de entrada de las señales lógicas el conector de acoplamiento se suministra con el conector puente específico de cierre 2 Conector de salida de las señales lógicas y de comprobación de la corriente de la bomba 3 Conector de salida de potencias 24 Vcc para el ventilador de refrigeración de la bomba 4 Cable bomba 5 Módulo de entrada...

Страница 23: ...uperado Comprobar que el sistema no presenta pérdidas Apretar dos veces el pulsador START para volver a poner en marcha la bomba FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP La temperatura del rodamiento superior o de la bomba ha superado los 60 ºC Esperar a que la temperatura vuelva por debajo del umbral Apretar dos veces el pulsador START para volver a poner en marcha la bomba FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE La tempera...

Страница 24: ... de perigo chamam a atenção do operador para um procedimento ou uma prática específica que se não efectuada correctamente pode provocar graves lesões pessoais ATENÇÃO As mensagens de atenção são visualizadas antes de procedimentos que se não observados podem causar danos à aparelhagem NOTA As notas contêm informações importantes destacadas do texto ARMAZENAGEM Durante o transporte e a armazenagem ...

Страница 25: ...os Para maiores detalhes e para procedimentos que envolvem ligações ou peças opcionais consultar o parágrafo Use do apêndice Technical Information Algumas das instruções descritas a seguir são possíveis no controller modelo 969 9425 só se estiver ligado ao mesmo o acessório Hand held terminal Antes de usar o controller efectuar todas as ligações eléctricas e pneumáticas e consultar o manual da bom...

Страница 26: ...nutenção Todas as operações devem ser efectuadas por pessoal autorizado 1 Conector de entrada dos sinais lógicos o conector de acoplamento é fornecido com ponte específica de fecho 2 Conector de saída dos sinais lógicos e de verificao da corrente da bomba 3 Conector de saída de potência 24 Vcc para o ventilador de refrigeração da bomba 4 Cabo da bomba 5 Módulo de entrada da alimentação para o Cont...

Страница 27: ...e prevista a cada passo em 15 minutos X pode valer de 0 a 9 e indica o passo não superado Verificar se o sistema não apresenta perdas Premer duas vezes o botão START para reactivar a bomba FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP A temperatura do rolamento superior ou da bomba superou os 60 ºC Aguardar até que a temperatura volte ao limite estabelecido Premer duas vezes o botão START para reactivar a bomba FAULT CONTR...

Страница 28: ... Deze handleiding hanteert de volgende symbolen Bij dit symbool staat tekst die de aandacht van de operator vestigt op een speciale procedure of methode die indien niet correct uitgevoerd ernstig lichamelijk letsel kan veroorzaken ATTENTIE Bij dit symbool staat tekst met procedures die indien niet opgevolgd schade aan apparatuur kunnen veroorzaken OPMERKING De opmerkingen bevatten belangrijke info...

Страница 29: ...etreffen wordt verwezen naar de paragraaf Use van de bijlage Technical Information Enkele hier vermelde instructies zijn alleen van toepassing op het controllermodel 969 9425 indien hierop het accessoire Hand held terminal is aangesloten Breng alvorens de controller in gebruik te nemen alle elektrische en pneumatische aansluitingen tot stand en raadpleeg hiervoor de handleiding van de aan te sluit...

Страница 30: V 250 zijn onderhoudsvrij Eventuele werkzaamheden moeten door bevoegd personeel worden uitgevoerd 1 Connector voor ingang logische signalen de te koppelen connector wordt met de speciale sluitklem geleverd 2 Connector voor uitgang logische signalen en controle pompstroom 3 Connector voor stroomuitgang 24 Vdc voor de koelventilator van de pomp 4 Pompkabel 5 Ingangsmodule van de voeding voor de c...

Страница 31: ...waarde tussen 0 en 9 aannemen en geeft de niet overschreden stap aan Controleer of het systeem geen lekkage vertoont Bedien twee maal de START knop om de pomp weer op te starten FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP De temperatuur van het bovenste pomplager bedraagt meer dan 60 C Wacht tot de temperatuur weer onder de drempelwaarde is gezakt Bedien twee maal de START knop om de pomp weer op te starten FAULT CONTROL...

Страница 32: ...elsmeddelelserne informerer operatøren om at en speciel procedure eller en vis type arbejde skal udføres præcist efter anvisningerne I modsat fald er der risiko for svære personskader VIGTIGT Denne advarselsmeddelelse vises før procedurer der skal følges nøje for ikke at risikere maskinskader BEMÆRK Dette gør opmærksom på vigtig information i teksten OPBEVARING Følgende krav til omgivelsesforholde...

Страница 33: beskrivelse samt procedurer der involverer tilslutninger eller tilbehør henvises til afsnittet Use i bilag Technical Information Visse procedurer der beskrives nedenstående kan kun udføres på styreenheden model 969 9425 når den er udstyret med tilbehøret Hand held terminal Inden styreenheden anvendes bør samtlige elektriske og pneumatiske tilslutninger udføres Læs brugsanvisningen før pumpen ti...

Страница 34: ...oldelse Ethvert indgreb på pumpen skal foretages af autoriseret personale 1 Indgangskontakt til logiske signaler tilslutningskontakten leveres med specielt forbindelsesbro 2 Udgangskontakten til logiske signaler og kontrol af pumpens strøm 3 Udgangskontakt til effekt 24 V jævnstrøm til pumpens køleventilator 4 Kabel til tilslutning af pumpen 5 Spændingsindgangsmodul til styreenheden Modulet omfatt...

Страница 35: ...kte hastighed for hvert trin indenfor 15 minutter X kan gælde 0 til 9 og angiver hvilket trin der ikke blev gennemført Kontrollér om systemet er utæt Tryk to gange på START for at starte pumpen igen FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP Temperaturen på det øverste leje eller pumpen overskrider 60 C Vent på at temperaturen falder til under tærskelværdi Tryk to gange på START for at starte pumpen igen FAULT CONTROLLE...

Страница 36: ...nformerar operatören om att en speciell procedur eller en viss typ av arbete måste utföras exakt enligt anvisningarna I annat fall finns risk för svåra personskador VIKTIGT Detta varningsmeddelande visas framför procedurer som måste följas exakt för att undvika skador på maskinen OBSERVERA Detta visar på viktig information i texten FÖRVARING Följande krav på omgivningsförhållanden gäller vid trans...

Страница 37: ... beträffande moment som involverar anslutningar eller tillbehör hänvisas till avsnittet Use i bilaga Technical Information Vissa anvisningar som listas nedan kan endast utföras på styrenheten modell 969 9425 när den är utrustad med tillbehöret Hand held terminal Innan styrenheten används bör samtliga elektriska och pneumatiska anslutningar utföras Läs bruksanvisningen för den anslutna pumpen Försä...

Страница 38: ...nder hållsfria Allt servicearbete måste utföras av auktoriserad personal 1 Ingångskontakt för logiska signaler anslutningskontakten levereras med speciell stängningsbrygga 2 Utgångskontakt för logiska signaler och kontroll av pumpens ström 3 Utgångskontakt för effekt 24 V likström för pumpens kylfläkt 4 Kabel för anslutning av pumpen 5 Spänningsingångsmodul för styrenheten Modulen omfattar skyddss...

Страница 39: ...ter X kan gälla 0 till 9 och anger vilket steg som inte genomförts Kontrollera om systemet läcker Tryck två gånger på knappen START för att starta om pumpen FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP Temperaturen på det övre lagret eller pumpen överskrider 60 C Vänta tills temperaturen sjunker under tröskelvärdet Tryck två gånger på knappen START för att starta om pumpen FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Temperaturen på ...

Страница 40: ...e meldingene skal tiltrekke seg brukerens oppmerksomhet til en spesiell fremgangsmåte eller praksis som hvis den ikke følges kan medføre alvorlige skader FORSIKTIG Denne advarselen vises foran fremgangsmåter som dersom de ikke følges kan fore til at utstyret skades MERK Merknadene inneholder viktig informasjon som er hentet fra teksten LAGRING Når styreenhetene transporteres eller lagres må følgen...

Страница 41: ...ter tilkoplinger eller ekstrautstyr vises det til avsnittet Use i vedlegget Technical Information Visse anvisninger som listes nedenfor kan kun gjennomføres på styreenheten modell 969 9425 når den er utstyrt med ekstrautstyret Hand held terminal Før styreenheten tas i bruk bør samtlige elektriske og pneumatiske tilkoplinger gjøres Les brukerveiledningen for pumpen som er tilkoplet Dersom pumpen er...

Страница 42: ... arbeid på styreenheten må kun utføres av autorisert personell 1 Inngangskontakt for logiske signaler tilkoplingskontakten leveres med spesiell lukkebrygge 2 Utgangskontakt for logiske signaler og kontroll av pumpens strøm 3 Utgangskontakt for effekt 24 V likestrøm til pumpens kjølevifte 4 Kabel for tilkopling av pumpen 5 Spenningsinngangsmodul for styreenheten Modulen omfatter vernesikring spenni...

Страница 43: ... hastigheten for hvert trinn i løpet av 15 minutter X kan gjelde 0 til 9 og angir hvilket trinn som ikke har blitt gjennomført Kontroller om systemet lekker Trykk to ganger på knappen START for å starte pumpen FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP Temperaturen på det øvre lageret eller pumpen er over 60 C Vent til temperaturen synker under terskelverdien Trykk to ganger på knappen START for å starte pumpen FAULT CO...

Страница 44: ...äjän huomion kiinnittymään erityisiin toimintotatapoihin joiden seuraamatta jättäminen voi aiheuttaa vakavia henkilövaurioita HUOMIO Huomio merkinnät varoittavat toiminnoista joiden laiminlyönti voi johtaa laitteen vaurioitumiseen HUOM Huomiot sisältävät tärkeätä tekstistä otettua tietoa VARASTOINTI Valvojan kuljetuksen ja varastoinnin aikana tulevat seuraavat ympäristövaatimukset olla täytettyinä...

Страница 45: Tarkempia lisätietoja sekä kytkentöjä että valinnaisia lisälaitteita koskevien toimenpiteiden suorittamista käsittäviä tietoja löydätte kappaleesta Käyttö joka on Tekniset tiedot kappaleen liitteenä Jotkin seuraavista ohjeista ovat mahdollisia valvojamallille 969 9425 vain mikäli se on kytkettynä Käsin Pidettävä Pääte lisälaitteeseen Ennen valvojan käyttöä suorittaakaa kaikki sähkökytkennät seu...

Страница 46: ... valvojaan tehtävät toimenpiteet tulee jättää aina valtuutetun henkilön tehtäviksi 1 Logiikkasegnaalien tulokytkentä pariliittimet toimitetaan niihin sopivilla yhdyskaapelisulkijalla 2 Logiikkasegnaalien poistokytkentä ja pumpun sähkövirran tarkistus 3 Tehon poistokytkentä 24 vaihtovirta pumpun jäähdytystuulettimelle 4 Pumpupukaapeli 5 Valvojan sähkövirran tulomoduuli Käsittää suojasulakkeen jänni...

Страница 47: ...t sille joka askeleella tarkoitettua nopeutta 15 minuutin sisällä X on askelnumero 09 ja ilmaisee sen askeleen jota ei ole ylitetty Tarkistakaa ettäjärjestelmässä ei ole vuotoja Painakaa painonappia START kaksi kertaa jolloin pumppu käynnistyy FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP Ylemmän laakerin tai pumpun lämpötila on ylittänyt 60 C Odottakaa että lämpötila putoaa kynnysarvon alapuolelle Painakaa painonappia STA...

Страница 48: ...crhsimopoieiv tiÇ akovlouqeÇ sumbavseiÇœ Oi endeivxeiÇ kinduvnou proselkuvoun thn prosochv tou ceiristhv se mia diadikasiva hv se mia eidikhv ergasiva h opoiva eavn den ektelesteiv swstav qa mporouvse na prokalevsei sobarevÇ proswpikevÇ blavbeÇ PROSOCH Oi endeivxeiÇ prosochvÇ emfanivzontai prin apov tiÇ diadikasiveÇ oi opoiveÇ eavn den ektelestouvn me prosochv qa mporouvsan na prokalevsoun zhmievÇ...

Страница 49: ...Ç leptomevreieÇ kai gia diadikasiveÇ pou apaitouvn idiaivtereÇ sundevseiÇ hv axesouavr anaferqeivte sthn paravgrafo Crhvsh tou PararthvmatoÇ Technical Information MerikevÇ apov tiÇ anaferovmeneÇ sth sunevceia plhroforiveÇ mporouvn na efarmostouvn kai ston ruqmisthv 969 9425 movnon an autovÇ eivnai sundedemevnoÇ me to exavrthma Hand held terminal Prin crhsimopoihvsete ton ruqmisthv pragmatopoihvste...

Страница 50: ...epevmbash qa prevpei na pragmatopoihqeiv apov exousiodothmevno proswpikov 1 Buvsma eisovdou twvn logikwvn shmavtwn to buvsma zeugarwvmatoÇ promhqeuvetai me to eidikov gefuravki kleisivmatoÇ 2 Buvsma exovdou twn logikwvn shmavtwn kai epalhvqeushÇ tou reuvmatoÇ thÇ antlivaÇ 3 Buvsma exovdou iscuvoÇ 24 Vac gia ton anemisthvra yuvxhÇ antlivaÇ 4 Kalwvdio antlivaÇ 5 Enovthta eisovdou thÇ trofodovthshÇ g...

Страница 51: ...en evcei xeperasteiv Elevgcete ovti to suvsthma den parousiavzei diarroevÇ Pathvste duvo forevÇ to koumpiv START gia na qevsete xanav se kivnhsh thn Antliva FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP H qermokrasiva tou avnw kouzinevtou thÇ antlivaÇ xepevrase touÇ 60 C Perimevnete wvspou h qermokrasiva na katebeiv kavtw apov to anwvtato epitreptov shmeivo Pathvste duvo forevÇ to koumpiv START gia na qevsete xanav se kivn...

Страница 52: ...he operator to a particular procedure or practice which if not followed correctly could lead to serious injury CAUTION The caution messages are displayed before procedures which if not followed could cause damage to the equipment NOTE The notes contain important information taken from the text STORAGE When transporting and storing the controllers the following environmental requirements should be ...

Страница 53: ...s that involve optional connections or options are supplied in the paragraph USE of the appendix Technical Information Some procedures can be executed with controller 969 9425 only when the accessory Hand held terminal is available Make all vacuum manifold and electrical connections and refer to Turbo V pump instruction manual prior to operating the Turbo V controller To avoid injury to personnel ...

Страница 54: ... terminal MAINTENANCE The Turbo V 250 series controller does not require any maintenance Any work performed on the controller must be carried out by authorized personnel 1 Logic input signals connectors mating connector supplied with link 2 Logic output signals connector and pump current monitor 3 Power output connector 24 Vdc for pump cooling fan 4 Pump cord 5 Controller power entry module consis...

Страница 55: ...lanned value within 15 minutes X is the step number from 0 to 9 indicating the step number not passed Verify that system has no leaks Press the START pushbutton twice to start the pump FAULT PUMP OVERTEMP The upper bearing pump temperature exceeds 60 C Wait until the temperature decrease below threshold value Press the START push button twice to start the pump FAULT CONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE The ...

Страница 56: ...wer transformer PCB including power supply and 3 phase output analog and input output section microprocessor and digital section display and keyboard circuits The power supply converts the single phase 50 60 Hz AC mains supply into a 3 phase low voltage medium frequency output which is required to power the Turbo V pump The microcomputer generates the variable output frequency and controls the 3 p...

Страница 57: the mains P1 optically insulated input Minimum ON 3 mA Maximum 5 mA J2 optically insulated output 24 Vdc 60 mA P6 output fan 100 mA J7 output forepump coil etc 120 Vac 1A disregarding the mains Radio interference suppression EN 55011 class A group 1 IEC1000 4 2 1000 4 3 1000 4 4 Safety standard EN 61010 1 Weight Model 969 9423 and 969 9523 Model 969 9425 4 5 Kg 10 lbs 4 Kg 8 lbs CONTROLLER OUT...

Страница 58: ...TECHNICAL INFORMATION 51 87 900 852 01 B Controller model 969 9425 outline ...

Страница 59: ...AL INFORMATION 52 87 900 852 01 B INTERCONNECTIONS The following figure shows the Controller interconnections Controller models 969 9423 and 969 9523 interconnections Controller model 969 9425 interconnections ...

Страница 60: ...manently closed contact relay contact transistor etc When the contact closes the turbopump runs at low speed and when the contact opens the turbopump reverts to high speed mode With the remote mode operation selected the front panel push button is inoperative 3 8 INTERLOCK optically isolated from the internal circuit this signal can be used to delay the starting of the turbopump It requires a perm...

Страница 61: ...4 V 60 mA optically isolated output pin 13 positive pin 6 negative The output voltage will be present when the START push button on front panel is pressed or the remote start is present or the function has been requested by RS 232 until NORMAL operation is reached PIN DESCRIPTION 7 14 R2 signal 24 V 60 mA optically isolated output pin 14 positive pin 7 negative The output Voltage will be present u...

Страница 62: ...d cable are provided assembled with the air cooling kit Controller to Pump Connection A five meter long cable is provided or is available as an option for model 969 9425 to connect the controller to the pump The following figures show the controller output connector configuration where pins A F pump temperature sensor B C D 54 Vac 3 phase output to pump motor stator E ground and the configuration ...

Страница 63: 120 Vac with the maximum current of 1 A If more than one device is connected be sure to draw not more than 120 VA to avoid controller damage Use a relay coil with a maximum surge power of 65 VA NOTE Forepump relay coil is an independent user supplied item RS 232 OPTION RS 232 Installation An optional RS 232 kit is available for model 969 9423 and 969 9523 To install it proceed as follows Switch...

Страница 64: ...a front panel from 600 to 9600 baud The controller is factory set for 9600 baud operation NOTE When a baud rate of 2400 4800 9600 baud is used the requested information from Host to controller must be sent with a minimum interval of 1 second to avoid the controller hang up Communication protocol Host Master Turbo V 250 Controller Slave The communication is performed in the following way Host Turbo...

Страница 65: ...2 STARTING 3 NORMAL OPERATION 4 5 HIGH LOAD 6 FAILURE 7 APPROACHING LOW SPEED 2 5 Cycle Time 6 9 Pump Life 10 11 Pump Temperature 12 Current 13 Voltage 14 17 Frequency 18 19 Cycle 20 R1 Status 21 R2 Status 22 CRC The values for current and voltage are given as numbers scaled from 0 to 255 where 0 corresponds to 0 V and 255 to the full scale voltage 100 V or current 2 5 A When the Request is G the ...

Страница 66: ... 3 NORMAL OPERATION 4 5 HIGH LOAD 6 FAILURE 7 APPROACHING LOW SPEED R2 status 0 OFF 1 ON R1 status 0 OFF 1 ON 2 CRC When the Request is J Numerical readings the Answer will contain a string of 5 characters with the following parameters Bytes Meaning 1 Current 0 255 scaled 2 Voltage 0 255 scaled 3 Rotational speed KRPM 0 255 scaled 4 Pump temperature C 0 254 temperature reading 255 fail 5 CRC When ...

Страница 67: ...ower source The display lights and shows R E A D Y F O R L O C A L S O F T S T A R T The controller with the Soft Start mode allows the pump to ramp up to Normal speed slowly with a minimum ramp up time of 210 seconds and a maximum of about 45 minutes The Soft Start mode is always operative as default mode If it is necessary to deselect this mode refer to the following paragraph If the Soft Start ...

Страница 68: ...ushbutton is used for choosing changing the value or condition the PUMP CURRENT pushbutton is used to enter and confirm the value At any time it is possible to exit this routine by pressing the CYCLE and PUMP CURRENT pushbuttons at the same time for at least 2 seconds The display shows S O F T S T A R T M O D E S E L E C T I O N X X X where XXX YES or NO If YES is selected the Soft Start mode allo...

Страница 69: ... for FRONT panel operation Choose the desired selection by pressing the CYCLE pushbutton F R O N T R E M O T E 2 3 2 S E L E C T I O N F R O N T Press the PUMP CURRENT pushbutton to enter the value and the display shows R S 2 3 2 B A U D R A T E X X X X where XXXX means 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 baud rate for the host computer or printer communication The controller is factory set for 9600 baud rate...

Страница 70: ...ion Cycle time Pump life Pump temperature Pump current Pump voltage Controller output frequency Cycle number R1 condition R2 condition Pump life and cycle zeroing Configuration parameter readings Configuration parameter setting If PRINT is selected and a printer is connected on RS 232 line a unidirectional communication is established and every minute the data are sent to the printer even if the p...

Страница 71: ...KRPM is the switch point of relay R1 at the preset turbopump speed adjustable from 00 to 99 KRPM The speed threshold will condition the R1 and R2 operation see the following cycle diagram and it is factory set to 53 KRPM Press the CYCLE NUMBER pushbutton to select the first number S P E E D T H R E S H O L D S E L E C T I O N X X K R P M Cycle diagram ...

Страница 72: ...g the PUMP CURRENT pushbutton and the display shows R U N U P T I M E S E L X X h X X m X X s where RUN UP TIME is the interval time from start to speed threshold value in hours minutes seconds Select from 00 to 99 hours and from 00 to 59 minutes or seconds Select the run up time according to the chamber volume and or operating cycle feature see the preceeding cycle diagram by pressing the CYCLE N...

Страница 73: ...ld value see the preceeding cycle diagram This function is factory set to YES D E L A Y E V E N A F T E R T H R E S H O L D Y E S Press PUMP CURRENT to confirm and the display shows P U M P L I F E X X X X X h R E S E T X X X where PUMP LIFE is the elapsed operating time range 000 to 99999 hours RESET XXX YES or NO The controller is factory set to NO If YES is selected the pump life shall be reset...

Страница 74: ...U M P I S S T A R T I N G 1 2 X X K R P M where 1 2 contrast inverted identifies the set point condition 1 is displayed when relay R1 is de energized and the related output is zero voltage 2 is displayed when relay R2 is energized and the related output is 24 V XX KRPM indicates the actual theoretical rotational speed of the pump as a function of the controller output frequency range 3 to 56 KRPM ...

Страница 75: ... the FRONT panel operation selected the remote and RS 232 operations are inoperative conversely the CYCLE NUMBER and PUMP CURRENT pushbuttons are always active even when the operating mode selected is REMOTE or RS 232 This feature is provided for operating the pump at moderate high pressure with high gas throughput To operate in this low speed mode engage the LOW SPEED pushbutton once if the displ...

Страница 76: ... longer than the preset delay time When power is restored the Turbo V controller automatically restarts the interconnected devices and the turbopump in the proper sequence The display shows P U M P I S S T A R T I N G 1 2 X X K R P M until normal operation achieved Remote Control Mode Operation If remote signals are used to operate the controller it must be programmed for remote operation see para...

Страница 77: ...69 9854 Mains cable European plug 3 m long SR 03 660441 01 Mains cable American plug 120 V 3 m long SR 03 660441 02 OPTIONS DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER RS 232 kit 969 9851 P2 output mating connector 969 9852 Controller to pump cable for controller model 969 9425 3 m extension 969 9863 L0300 Hand held terminal for controller model 969 9425 969 9860 ...

Страница 78: ...TECHNICAL INFORMATION 71 87 900 852 01 B R ...

Страница 79: ...TECHNICAL INFORMATION 72 87 900 852 01 B ...
