Vandersteen Audio
Model lCi+ Operation Manual
The sound from a properly aligned loudspeaker
reaches the listener with the audible frequencies correct in
both time and phase. This alignment contributes to a more
accurate sound, but also increases the importance of the
height relationship between the speaker and the listener.
When placed on a spiked base with a 2-inch total height,
the Model 1Ci+'s vertical listening window is centered at 32
inches. It extends about 4 inches above and below the
nominal height. Outside of this 8-inch vertical listening win-
dow, the sound and performance of the speaker will be
somewhat compromised.
If your Model lCi+’s are on 2
inch high dedicated bases
and you wish to maximize the speakers' performance,
please follow these instructions.
Measure the distance from the listening position to the
speakers and the height of your ears when you are seated
at the listening position. (Ear height is roughly equal to
the height of the tip of your nose.)
the values closest to your actual measurements on
the chart to the right.
Follow the horizontal line across from your distance and
the vertical line up from your ear height to the point where
they intersect. The graph lines numbered from 0 to 3 indi-
cate how many inches the top of the speaker should be
behind the bottom of the speaker to center the eight-inch
high listening window at your particular listening height
and distance.
Adjust the length of the base's front and rear spikes to
lean the speakers backward the proper amount.
As an example of how to accomplish the proper amount
of lean:
Tie a nut to a piece of thread about four feet long.
Hang the thread and nut from the back of the speaker
and measure the distance between where the thread
attaches to the nut and the bottom of the speaker as
shown in the diagram. This measurement is the amount
of speaker lean. (For clarity, the amount of lean in the
diagram has been exaggerated and the base is not shown.)
Distance From Speakers In Feet
Average Ear Height In Inches
The Model 1Ci+ requires at least 100 hours at a moderate volume level before its
performance and response stabilize. Higher volume levels will not shorten this break-in