Valcom, Inc.
5614 Hollins Road
Roanoke, VA 24019
P. 540-563-2000
F. 540-362-9800
The numbers shown on the left are examples. Going down the list and entering every one of
the examples exactly as shown will cause the master clock to malfunction or use incorrect data.
Program your clock setting based off of the instructions in the description on the right.
Setting 20 - Programming Clock Circuit #1
Press the bottom button to scroll from 1 to 9. These numbers correspond to
different protocols, specifically:
58th Minute (1) -
The master clock performs an hourly correction that takes 55 seconds and occurs between
XX:58:05 and XX:59:00 of every hour. It also performs two daily corrections: one at 5:00AM and another at
5:00PM. Each daily correction is ten relay cycles, each cycle is 95 seconds long, and the cycles begin at 5:05AM/PM,
5:07, 5:09, 5:11, 5:13, 5:15, 5:17, 5:19, 5:21, and 5:23 respectively.
58th Minute (2) -
The master clock performs an hourly correction that takes 60 seconds and occurs between
XX:58:00 and XX:59:00. It also performs two daily corrections: one at 5:00AM and one at 5:00PM. Each daily
correction is made of twelve relay cycles, and each cycle consists of 65 seconds on and 25 seconds off
58th Minute (3) -
The master clock performs an hourly correction that takes 60 seconds and occurs between
XX:58:00 and XX:59:00. It also performs two daily corrections: one at 5:00AM and one at 5:00PM. Each daily
correction is made of twelve relay cycles, and each cycle consists of 60 seconds on and 120 seconds off.
58th Minute (4) -
The master clock performs an hourly correction that takes 55 seconds and occurs between
XX:59:05 and XX:59:00. It also performs two daily corrections: one at 5:00AM and one at 5:00PM. Each daily
correction is made of twelve relay cycles, each cycle is 55 seconds long, and the cycles begin at 5:03:05AM/PM,
5:07:05, 5:11:05, 5:15:05, 5:19:05, 5:23:05, 5:27:05, 5:31:05, 5:35:05, 5:39:05, 5:43:05, and 5:47:05 respectively.
59th Minute -
The master clock performs an hourly correction that takes 8 seconds and occurs between
XX:57:54 and XX:58:02. It also performs two daily corrections: one at 5:00AM and one at 5:00PM. Each daily
correction is a single 14 second pulse which lasts from 5:57:54 to 5:58:08.
National time & Rauland (1) -
The master clock performs an hourly correction that takes 25 seconds and
occurs between XX:00:00 and XX:00:25. It also performs two daily corrections: one at 6:00AM and one at 6:00PM.
Each daily correction is made of twenty four relay cycles consisting of 25 seconds on, followed by 35 seconds off.
National Time & Rauland (2) -
The master clock performs an hourly correction that takes 25 seconds and
occurs between XX:00:00 and XX:00:25. It also performs two daily corrections at 6:00:25AM and 6:00:25PM. Each
daily correction is a single 24 minute pulse which lasts from 6:00:25AM/PM to 6:24:25.
Once a Day Pulse -
The master clock relay will close at a specific time and for an amount of time decided by the
clock circuit settings (Settings 21-24 for circuit 1, or 26-29 for circuit 2).
Once an Hour Pulse -
The master clock relay will close at a specific minute and second of each hour for an
amount of time decided by the clock circuit settings (Settings 22-24 for circuit 1, or 27-29 for circuit 2).
Once a Minute Pulse -
The master clock relay will close at a specific second of each minute for an amount of
time decided by the clock circuit settings (Settings 23-24 for circuit 1, or 28-29 for circuit 2).
Rauland Digital -
The master clock will reset the secondary clock to 12:00:00AM, then advance the time on
the secondary clock by one minute for every 0.5 seconds that the Digital line is shorted to ground.
Setting 20 is set to 8 by default.
Manual Controls
20-- 7