4 General Information
Instructions for Use, Installation and Servicing ecoMAX pro
4 General Information
Important notice
The boiler is supplied in one pack and the flue is
supplied separately.
This boiler is factory set for use on Natural Gas (G20),
ecoMAX pro 28E only can be field adjusted for use on
LPG (propane G31).
Where no British Standards exists, materials and
equipment should be fit for their purpose and of suitable
quality and workmanship.
Refer to Manual Handling Operations, 1992 regulations.
The installation of this boiler must be carried out by a
competent person in accordance the rules in force in the
countries of destination.
Manufacturer’s instructions must not be taken as
overriding statutory requirements.
4.1 Sheet Metal Parts
When installing the appliance, care should be
taken to avoid any possibility of personal injury
when handling sheet metal parts.
4.2 Statutory Requirements
The installation of the boiler MUST be carried out by a
competent person in accordance with the relevant
requirements of the current issue of:
Manufacturer's instructions supplied.
The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations, The
Building Regulations, The Building Regulations
(Scotland), The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland),
Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations, Water Bylaws,
The Health and Safety at Work Act, Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health, The Electricity at Work
Regulations, the current IEE wiring regulations and any
applicable local regulations.
Detailed recommendations are contained in the current
issue of the following British Standards and Codes of
Practice, BS4814, BS5440 Part 1 and 2, BS5449,
BS5546, BS6700, BS6798, BS6891 and BS7074 Part 1
and 2, BS7478, BS7593, BS7671.
In IE the installation must be carried out in accordance
with the current edition of IS 813 'Domestic Gas
Installations', the current Building Regulations and refe-
rence should be made to the current ETCI rules for elec-
trical installation.
4.3 Gas Supply
The gas installation must be in accordance with the
current issue of BS6891. In IE this is the current edition
of IS813.
The supply from the governed meter must be of
adequate size to provide a steady inlet working pressure
of 20mbar (8in wg) at the boiler.
On completion, test the gas installation for soundness
using the pressure drop method and suitable leak
detection fluid, purge in accordance with the above
4.4 Technical Data
All dimensions are given in millimetres (except as
noted). See Fig. 4.1.
The data label is positioned on the combustion chamber
cover see fig. 4.2.
The data label includes the product Gas Council number;
18E - 41 044 30
28E - 41 044 31
Fig. 4.1
Fig. 4.2