guest access 35
HDMI Audio Enabled/Disabled setting 62
HDMI resolution, setting 13
Help page (web) 41
home position 42, 64, 66
custom 42
hostname 32
camera 32
HTTPS, enabling or requiring 36
importing a configuration 38
inactive sessions (web interface) 35
indicator light 8, 22, 62, 73, 90
color scheme 62
enabling/disabling 73
location 8
meaning of colors 22, 90
information, conference room 37
installation, typical 16-17
inverted installation 12
IP address 16, 23-25, 30, 32-33
camera, discovering 25
default 25, 30, 33
preventing conflicts 16
static 32
static, configuring before installation 16,
enabling or disabling 49
quality 52
resolutions and frame rates 51-52
settings 51-55, 74-75
IR remote 23-24
iris settings 45-46, 71-72
labels, room 37
LED 8, 22, 62, 73, 90
enabling/disabling 73
location 8
meaning of colors 22, 90
LED Color Scheme setting 62
LED On/Off setting 62
light, status indicator 8, 22, 62, 73, 90
color scheme 62
enabling/disabling 73
location 8
meaning of colors 22, 90
lighting settings 44-45, 64, 71-73
locations of connectors 9-10
log files 41
login 26-27
low-power (standby) state 63, 74
manual focus 23-24, 48, 69
media player 49
mounting cameras 11-12, 21
muting video 63
navigation buttons, hiding/showing 27
network configuration 25, 30, 32-33, 75
current 75
Networking page (web) 30, 32-34
NTP server 34
One Push White Balance 47
OneLINK 9-10, 16-17
operating environment 94
output resolution 13
packing lists 3
page 30, 32-37, 39-41, 44-45, 49, 53-55, 63
Camera 44-45
Control 63
Diagnostics 41
Help 41
Networking 30, 32-34
Room Labels 37
Security 35-36
Streaming 49, 53-55
System 39-40
pan/tilt/zoom controls 23-24, 64
passwords 26-27, 35
admin, default 27
user, default 26
performance specifications 89
Complete Manual for RoboSHOT HDBT High-Performance PTZ Cameras