Vaddio HuddleSTATION - Document Number 342-0692 Rev D
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accomplished by selecting the Vaddio ‘STATION’ as the USB Playback and Record device in Windows Sound
Properties or from within the soft client (Lync, WebEx, Skype, etc.). Go to the control panel/sound/playback and
select Vaddio STATION as the default Playback device.
Image: Screen Shot Vaddio STATION Selected for Playback
The HDMI audio will be depicted as a Vaddio STATION Monitor within the sound configuration. The sound will still
be processed in the same way as the selection of the speaker.
Image: Screen Shot Vaddio HDMI Monitor Selected for Playback
Select HuddleSTATION as the recording or microphone device within sound panel since the mics in the Huddle
Dock are needed for any/all conferencing or recording applications.
Image: Screen Shot Vaddio STATION Selected for recording
On the playback and
recording tabs, the product is
referred to as the ‘Vaddio
STATION’. This is primarily due to
the products that will be introduced
in 2014 that will use the same
fundamental software (i.e.
BaseSTATION etc…).