5.4 Access rights
At this page access rights for 3 users and for those not logged in are configured.
Admin always has full rights.
Here administrator has full rights and so has those not logged in.
Five more users can be configured on the page !…more users! (r2.htm).
Access rights is configured for each output.
Choose between:
no - no read or write rights. Corresponding button turns white.
r/o - read only. Present position is showed with slightly grayed ON/OFF buttons.
The outputs can not be changed.
r/w - read/write. Present position is showed with normal ON/OFF buttons. The outputs can be changed.
6. The RS232 port
The RS232 serial port can be used for three purposes:
1) Remote control of the RS232 port via inter/intranet. By Telnet or browser.
2) Local control of the outputs.
3) Configuring of IP-SwitchBox902.
The configuring mode can always be accessed immediately after power on (0,5s).
After that the port is used either for local control or for the remote control..
This has been selected in the configuration.