12 Getting started! Quick start for control via web interface!
Configure the IP address.
To get contact with the box via ether/internet you first have to configure a suitable IP address.
The IP address you get from your ether/internet administrator.
The IP address configuration is done via RS232.*)
For that you need, for example, a PC with terminal program like Windows Hyper terminal.
Configure: right COM port, 9600baud, 8 data bits, no parity,
1 stop bit, no handshake.
Connect the IP-SwitchBox902 with a straight (connection pin 1 to 1, 2 to 2etc) 9-pole serial
cable to the computer.
(to the same port as the terminal is configured to!). Use for example the supplied cable.
(It is now possible to control the box from the terminal with "ON1", "ON2", "OFF1" etc.)
Keep the key "c" down at the same time as you switch on the power to IP-Switchbox902.
Then a setup menu is printed that shows current settings.
Type the IP address like this; IP= and push return, the digits shall of course be replaced
by desired IP address. The box answers with the new address.
It is necessary to leave the setup menu by pushing "q" (like quit) to control the box in normal way.
Connect IP-SwitchBox902 to the network.
The supplied blue cable is a "straight" cable that is used for connection to hubs, the most common
If you like to connect directly to the computers network card then you need a "crossed" cable.
They often have red connectors.
Start the browser.
Type the address, for example, (replace the digits with the configured IP address).
Now the browser shall display the main page with the control buttons and you can control the box.
Common control is made from the default page /index.htm.
Control with reset is made from /reset.htm.
Remote control of the RS232 port is made from /rs232.htm.
Configuring is made from /config.htm. Then you have to log in as admin.
Default admin username is "root" password is "root_pwd".
This password
should immediately be replaced
to unique password for security reasons.
*) It is possible to change IP address from the web pages too. Then you have to have a network from where
you can reach the default IP address of the box:
UTRONIX Elektronikutveckling AB
Telephone: +46 13 212 750
Landeryd Tallhöjden, 585 93 Linköping
Telefax: +46 13 212 725
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